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Italian ,old father again ,he is relieved ,and the golden ape king is now thinking of old father Sun Wukong not to kill Kong Yu ,but they later gave him ,in this way ,he can take revenge .
relationresultImagineKong Yu Sun Wukong was defeated and caught ,fell to his hands ,be yourself look ,gold apes king gave a satisfied smile .relationresult , relationresultThe 348th chapter the feeling of death , relationresultKong Yu in thegolden ape King defeated ,because to take into account the golden ape King behind the power ,so did the golden ape King down the killer ,but the golden ape king horse ,and left the golden ape country ,Kunlun Mountains direction ,but also did not fly far, is the feeling behind a very powerful breath is close .
relationresultTofeel the atmosphere of the time ,Kong Yu stop up the extremely strong sense of danger ,this let Kong Yu immediately is the vigilance of the .But Kong Yu did not move to accelerate ,but still under the original speed forward flight ,but at this time ,a figure is suddenly appeared in front of him .
relationresultKong Yudoes not know Sun Wukong ,but look like Sun Wukong, Kong Yu is naturally can guess that he appears in front of people is also a natural and gold apes country advocate have close relationship, this lets Kong Yu understand what stopped him way would be to Jin Yuan of China for revenge, but this time Kong Yu mental is not so easy .
relationresultAs in Kong Yuperception, he appears in front of the person while the atmosphere is very large ,but the general mana is little fluctuation ,so Kong Yu is not the depth of exploration ,but the man to give Kong Yu the feeling is like a mountain or a deep abyss ,let people don see ,know this man must have been very badly .
relationresultThis isinevitable ,it is the spirit of Sun Wukong Akashi monkey bone, is a natural physical strength is extremely violent ,and later from the Zhuntidaoren there practicing supreme prowess, later havoc in heaven when it is obtained the innumerable benefits ,in alchemy Taishang senior furnace by refining out of piercing eye ,is to let his mana reached unbelievable degree ,is now strive for further improvement ,was already reached a large ,golden immortal later stage ,only one step is to associate the holy realm, and this is not the Sun Wukong that his physical force .
relationresultAs for thehole of jade ,even to reach the level of skill and physical force together that is equivalent to the law of golden immortal early master ,nature is unable to and Sun Wukong put on a par with ,and to the strength of Kong Yu is impossible through Sun Wukong ,this lets Kong Yu heart more cautious about .
relationresultSun Wukong blockedKong Yu ,looked up and down the Kong Yu ,it is frowned .Sun Wukong is naturally clear gold apes main strength ,to beat the golden ape king ,not Kong Yu show no real immortal metaphase state can be achieved ,this makes Sun Wukong some wondering is it right? Wrong person .
relationresultSkids ,kid ,I is the monkey king Sun Wukong ,is it right? You will be my grandchildren wounded ? Sun Wukong pointed to Kong Yu said ,although already built Zhengguo ,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com,became the Theravada fighting Buddhist ,but Sun Wukong still loved who claimed to be the monkey king ,after all this title to it .
relationresultKong Yuheard Sun Wukong after heart startled ,called pain ,he could not think of before this man is Sun Wukong .Whether from the Dragon Princess three Ao rain or from the East China Sea Prince Li Jun got the news is that Kong Yu to the Pacific to extremely taboo ,nature is not hope to meet him ,but didn just hit the golden ape country advocate ,but soon will this star to hit .
relationresultKong Yu justheart pour out one ,but do not lie, in listening to the words of Sun Wukong against Sun Wukong nodded ,and then to Sun Wukong and said , yes ,that is me, but he was the first to want to rob my ,I just taught him .
, relationresultKong Yulong recognized but let Sun Wukong paused ,he was wondering if Kong Yu is not his words ,Sun Wukong will continue to chase down ,look in Sun Wukong ,Kong Yu is naturally no strength to defeat King ape king ,but Kong Yu actually is in hear my name is recognized ,it makes Sun Wukong Kong Yu is some appreciation of the .
relationresultJustthen Sun Wukong is exposed to grim smile ,Kong Yu said , good boy ,is actually have the guts to admit ,good, nice .The sons of Sun Wukong but I don teach ,since you hurt my grandchildren ,then you have to use the life to compensate .
, relationresultWordsby Sun Wukong stretched out his hand, from his right ear being suddenly appeared a golden light ,and then fell into his hand changes into a glittering long stick, and a stick down to Kong Yu .
This stick contains more force is powerful ,Kong Yu at that moment to feel around the space are trapped ,the whole people even mobile forces are not ,can only be watched Sun Wukong long sticks down .
relationresultKong Yu is naturallyclear Sun Wukong but is from the East China Sea Dragon King to take Dinghaishenzhen iron ,also known as golden, not only have a terrible weight ,length and thickness is even able to arbitrarily change ,is a rare Lingbao ,die in this golden can not count .
relationresultFeel thedanger approaching fast ,hole jade finally is a roar ,facing such great Kong Yu Swire ,if somewhat reserved ,it really is your have a death wish .General skills and physical strength are in a flash emission ,while facing such a dangerous situation ,Kong Yu can is remembered on the son, Tang charm ,and without the * * palm is also in an instant cast out .
relationresultKong Yu,yin and Yang Qi systemic blooming ,I * * palm play after a road Zhangying towards Sun Wukong over the past ,but that a Zhangying Don is not able to hold back the golden path ,the golden is still at Kong Yu blew past ,but even a moment for a time Kong Yu finally fell back ,making the body .
relationresultThe bodystyle was finally withdrawn from the Sun Wukong ,Kong Yu found himself whole body is wet ,at that moment ,Kong Yuzhen is felt the death of close to ,this makes Kong Yu heart for Sun Wukong that Swire mighty strength is more afraid of ,at the old is falling in golden, Kong Yuyi reached out his hand body cavity ,an SG twinkle ,a pan with multicolored light long rod also appeared in his hands .
relationresultThisroot is suffused with multicolored light long stick is Kong Yu with five rows of gold refining ,used to play beat dog stick method used, is always no chance to use ,it is now finally can use opportunities ,but in Kong Yu rather the opportunity has not appeared .
relationresultThe feeling of deathdoes not appear to be so beautiful .relationresultseek flowers and VIP tickets ,thank you support . , relationresult , relationresultThe 349th chapter Shura and , relationresultIn the firstfive rows of Shenfan refining time ,Kong Yu will remain five rows of gold are used to refine the hands of the long stick, and refining the long stick reason is because Kong Yu practicing beat dog stick method not suitable weapons ,so is their own refining a root ,but has been no use chance ,now have the chance .
relationresultButin the face of death when this opportunity is really lets the human feel uncomfortable ,but this time, Kong Yu also did not think, hand the long stick is cast out beat dog stick method toward Sun Wukong ,smashing down the golden dozen past . Related articles:

