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?"Chen Xiao sudden in the mind a move.

"K."The total work spoke Chen Xiao to acquaint with a place name word-this name is falsely that to let old farmland for of sad hate bitterly of man?Let Phoenix first person.The person of the sad but dead service center of bright moon spoilt daughter of a rich family in those early years?!

"That guy met me.He vanquished me, then ……connect down ground affair Be getting more easy.He brought in me service center.Although I the Jie Ao wasn't lousy in those early years,his real strenght was really stronger than me, my remarkable talent didn't°yet was so severe now and completely wasn't his opponent in those early years.Besides we are pirate of, the real strenght is a , the weak at the mercy of the strong, the whose fist is hard who is an eldest brother, he is stronger than me, I also recognized.I followed him to enter service center.Then ……"

The total work smiled to smile:"In fact, I can live so long, is also give him of blessing."

The meaning of this words makes Chen Xiao very surprised!

"The K is a bedlamite, also a real genius.He concentrated on a remarkable talent ground research at that time, he had been believing, can pass science research and made the remarkable talent promote, can reform mankind ground body,beats by dre uk, destiny, the etc. was the whole ……or say ……"the total work imitated a Buddha to smile to smile:"I feel ……he imitated a Buddha to be I as God!However ……he is omnipotently also really like a very much God!"

He later on wry smile:"My body is reformed, drive after he carried on some reformations on the medical sciences, my life span prolonged ……H'm, conveniently say for a while, equally accept a reformation of not only I am a……still have her."

Say, the total work towardsed the direction Nu of cafe Nu mouth.

"Wish to melt an elder sister head?"Chen Xiao is stunned speechless.

"She was still a pretty gentle and soft bond maid in those early years."The total work squinted Jing to smile to smile.


Perhaps even if is imagine dint abundant person again, can not also the phrase " gentleness" language with wish to melt contact together

"She was really very gentle and soft in those early years."The look in the eyes of the total work inside suddenly showed unintentionally one silk happy flavor:"She not too liked to talk in those early years, the other people saw her two more eyes, many said two words with her, she would blush.While talking oneself the all very small voice is the female kid who is carefully a .Female kid, at the age of 78 , mostly once experienced a stage like that."

Is 78 years old ……

According to wishing the age of melting this year to reckon ……wish to melt at the age of 78 ?

Chen Xiao sudden in the mind a move!

The story that contacts an old farmland to at the beginning say with oneself, very obviously, be wish to melt total work and K know of time, old farmland still have bright moon and the tragedy of of K have already taken place!

Is also say, that time, the K has already abandonned bright moon and abandon feelings and became a science madman.

"I with wish to melt all is his to experiment rightness mutually.However, at least on us of experiment.He is regarded as successful.Our body drive successfully of reformation, passed by to observe for a long time, we the metabolism speed of the body drive strong line of suppress slowness, can effectively of extension life span, obstruct the person's decrepitude process."The total work touched touch his/her own chin:"My current looks, and I ground about 30 years old the time almost have no difference."

"Afterwards?"Chen Xiao knits the brows.

"Afterwards?I and wished to melt to all join service center.Became the hardcore of group in the service center."The total work smiled to smile:"We work together and is regarded as companion, again in a set.Participated in the resisting of of a few service centers and club.Gradually, we also in the remarkable talent turn big some.I got a nickname of total work, while she start being called to wish to melt.However, that time, we aren't 1 rightness."

"H'm.I guessed."Chen Xiao Gu made to easily smile to smile:"In the ancient myth.Total work and wish to melt two greatest spirits to fight, sky all break, just cause female the Wa repair the story in sky ……see with your 2 people's nickname, you should be regarded as personal enemy just right."

"In fact ……say to is a personal enemy, don't calculate as well wrong."Total work wry smile 1.His air is very dreary:"Wished to melt in those early years, her in the mind had been liking a man's ground.That man ……H'm, is a K."

Is a K again?

This K ……have so big magic power?

"Not in fact difficult comprehension of."Total work wry smile 1:"A young little girl deals with others not and deeply, temperament again Mian Tian gentleness, that time, nearby appeared real strenght strong, personal man with the strongest magic power, and the personality is tough, work to persist.Cleverness.There is poise ……and, at experiment process in.He takes to heart to all us, although that kind of concern and just feel towards experimenting oneself of concerning, this kind of, to a little girl, unavoidably will ……"

The total work shakes:"All passed by, say these now the nothing important meaning is also."

"What about you?"Chen Xiao suddenly says with smile:" You in those early years liked wish melt?"

"……The E in fact also has no, in those early years ……I have been a person.Know afterwards, I met to love beautiful Si."

The female of the toxin?

This Chen Xiao pours is in addition to never thought that, because seemed to be from the clues to see ……seem my noodles to really have some stories occurrence ground.

"We these old guys sink the affair of sesame lousy rice, at enmity with you said."The total work shakes head:"Afterwards, in the service center a few big deals, a series of of mishap, we successively from the service center in backed out.I met a few guys in the club, is pulled by them to be to employ a soldier for a while."

"Have you ever joined club?!"

This parlance made Chen Xiao surprised for a while.

"This nothing important is strange."The total work says with smile:"In the remarkable talent field, this kind of affair usually takes place, if you see the club and the service center as two archdukes take charge of, this kind of behavior, also just change employment.Besides, I at that time am to leave service center first, then a person need a period of time, was pulled by the person of club be employ a soldier, not be regarded as formally join, just took money handle affairs just.Again afterwards ……because a special affair, I returned to service center again."

"What matter?"

"The K found out me, he said that he needs my help.I owe others feeling, can promise him, returned to a service center inside."Total work wry smile:"Just I have never thought, that after I return to, the service center has already changed a lot, the inner part appears a lot of varieties.But I, that time has already been regarded as old resume ground of ground in the service center person.After returning to, K support, I ground effort, did a several times very beautiful affair.Then ……I joined committee."

Chen Xiao is even some surprise.


That not is say ……total work, he ever is ……flower card!?

"Not I, also have been already wished to melt, she is to spend a card."The total work imitated a Buddha to smile to smile:"Just, that wishing to melt has already changed after returning to, Be not the little girl of that gentle and soft simplicity any more, she becomes a lot and becomes to make me some unfamiliar.I see come out, person, will after suffering pain and sufferings, would the temperament greatly change."

"Said along while ……you haven't made reference to a positive."Chen Xiao wry smile way:"That, also have been already entrusted ……"

"These affair, I said, I didn't mean to say, can't tell you, so I can't say."The total work refuses suddenly and very determinedly:"Chen Xiao, these affair you don't want participation, is for the sake of me, also for the sake of you!However, I still need to tell you, since you decide to join service center, but ……you also have no necessity hostility club.Although your parents' dead has relation with club to fasten …… the club is a very big organization, don't represent club is evil.As for service center, I also said ……it hard to say of the top is justice, at least, serve as for the that period of time of committee flower card and also saw hear too many affairs at me."

The United States always with police in the world from reside, beat the signal of justice everywhere ……but is the United States justice?

This truth, need not total work says, Chen Xiao is naturally understand.

Just ……club?

Anyway, in Chen Xiao's feelings, really very difficult produce to the clubs what good will.

"Club the inside is also 54 cards!The structure of organization is very similar to the service center, after all ……the probably old farmland tell Related articles:

