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Buddha ready to choose people and bite .relationresultt wantyour companions killed poison ,you be nice to me ! Qin Tianzong didn eyelid ,continue to bend check over the body ,completely ignoring the juvenile attack .
relationresultThe little evil ,stop ! In juvenile sword is stabbed in the throat when Qin talented girl finally stop ,snow softly .relationresultNamed littleevil boy hears talk ,your sword suddenly in a shaving ,returned to his back .
relationresultIf you don cure the baby, even if you flee to the remotest corners of the globe ,I will kill you in the field of evil consumes death sword ! Young was wary stare Qin vertical-day ,said very slowly .
relationresultQuality is good, the brain is the simple point .With your brilliant ability ,even if you practice one hundred years may catch up with my brother, how do you kill him? Chen Ergou saw the field and indiscriminately on Qin Yao longitudinal hand ,be stop and talk wildly ,he couldn aside laugh .
relationresultChen Ergou isjust off ,he eyelids jump ,then the whole people as being stepped on the tail to jump into the air .relationresultOriginally namedTian Xie young silent to Chen Ergou launched the attack ,Chen Ergou simply did not expect this time on their own field of evil when, suddenly was Tian evil rob opportunities .
relationresultChen Ergou jumpedinto the air ,only to hear the to a thud ,his head hit the roof ,beats by dre uk,then the body can to fall to the ground ,so this house than in a common housing to low many ,pay no attention to this point Chen Ergou had hidden loss .
relationresultTianevil appears early even to this point ,the body of Chen Ergou just land on the ground ,his sword was placed on Chen Ergou .relationresultI can ,you can do it smart to where ah ? Tian evil hold after Chen Ergou ,also is not oneself very ,quickly took back her sword ,only words could not help but also Chen Ergou .
relationresultBah ,topography here is wrong, and you just take me by surprise when the attack, otherwise you have no chance to win me ! Chen Ergou didn would be planted in a culture than their own several low level boy hands ,his face blush, flush with shame to argue .
relationresultI learn is the way ,you can make me work in just ways to contest ? Tian evil white Chen Ergou a look ,blunt retorted .relationresultThe little evil ,you give me shut up ! See the evil snow field was at this time still with ,she Mi a vertical ,snapped at road .
relationresultThesnow got a sound ,just Jie unruly evil weapons field immediately obedient as kittens ,rules to stand to the snow .relationresultChen Ergouhad no quarrel object ,he gave Tian evil eye, also no longer .
relationresultTianXie bandy words with Chen Ergou Kung Fu ,Qin days if already put on all seven toxin dispelling ,over the surface is changed back to normal skin .relationresultBut you have a piece of the Millennium cold jade ,otherwise the child would poison into paste blind ,death can .
To help handle the wound after Xiao Qi ,Qin vertical-day stand straight body ,gently sighed .relationresultIf it had not been for you ,I will bear the child how to poisoning ,so much pain? Qin Tianzong in the treatment of good over the at the same time ,he also took back their field ,let the blind old man was free, but the blind old man was free ,he would sound accuses Qin days if .
relationresultBut ablind old man talks with apparent ease many ,after all he had clearly seen Qin days if treatment over the scene .relationresultIf Qin Tianzong andChen Ergou is a person ,they find themselves in a group of people ,completely unnecessary trouble Tongdi to seven detoxification ,sell directly to kill yourself for this group of people is .
relationresultYou don but stubborn ,but the old fool .I when to seven shots ?Am I to protect the friend was not a person with evil intent of blasphemy, the coffin under moving hands and feet also have problems ? Qin days if sweep the blind old man eye ,and asked .
relationresultQin Tianzong refuting the blind old man be rendered speechless ,because Qin Tianzong had done no ground for blame ,should not blind old man command over to steal the coffin ,seven natural poisoned, so it is blind to old man anchor .
relationresultThank you two eldest brothers forgive him for seven detoxification ,snows here thanked . See Grandpa looked embarrassed ,Han Xuelian step light moved to Qin days if before a blessing ,was sincerely grateful tract .
relationresultQindays longitudinal had also wanted to for... A snow ,but then took his words to block in the mouth ,he looked snow glance, secretly admire the girl looks at the same time ,also for the girl wisdom by .
relationresultSnows sister, you stole my coffin ,and I was senior to scold ,here is you give to a Xiama Wei ,this thing is that it? Qin Tianzong feel shy continues to speak, but Chen Ergou was wronged cries opened .
relationresultWhere are we steal your coffin ! Hear the words of Chen Ergou ,Tian evil cannot bear muttered a sentence .relationresultHow dare you talking through his hat ,the coffin is placed here you deny ? By the field of evil to clean up for a while, Chen Ergou is now seen in evil is heated up .
relationresultYou say it your coffin, and the coffin lay in how you? Tian Xie slyly replied ,face and his plot to succeed .relationresultYou ... ... Imperceptibly by Tian evil to swing a ,Chen Ergou straight was shaking with anger ,hate evil to the field into ten thousand pieces ,it is a pity that he now cannot pull down the face .
relationresultTwo dog brother ,brother is naughty, but also ask you to a large number of adults ,don him about . Tian evil to bandy words with Chen Ergou ,it was time to stop the snow to snow ,toward Chen Ergou with an apologetic smile ,softly : if two dog brother felt that not enough sincere than snow ,snow personally make a table delicacies to two big brother to apologize ? , relationresultHear thedelicacies two characters, Chen Ergou sneaking up two times ,he made eyes to Qin days if .
relationresultStubborn ,you need not be so beware of two of us ,we have no time to talk with you tempted to tempt to equivocate .I can tell you for sure that we are not a person ,the coffin contained is Rujiabaohuan leaf family ! , relationresultQin Tianzongpaid no attention to Chen Ergou ,but to hold one blind old man said .
relationresultQin Tianzonghas been with conscious perception of the low houses with different housing ,Qin Tianzong only from the light then found six or seven organs of prohibition ,the dark found no authority prohibition also don how much do .
relationresultQindays if not to inadvertently case was blind man and a group of children to the uniform ,that is too weak !relationresult(to be continued ) , relationresultThe 258th chapter accept dark blood , relationresultthanks 32125873 brothers rich rewards ,thank you for always drop support ,the way with brothers and sisters for a few recommended votes ,thank you ! , relationresultQin Tianzongin a word immediately to the house all the people attention to blind man .
, , relationresultThis time,we noticed a blind old man has imperceptibly to house a corner ,and his hand was ready on the table beside him in a corner of shooting .relationresultHousingin addition to Chen Ergou does not understand the operation mechanism ,the rest of the people are very aware that a blind old man took down the consequences .
relationresultByQin Yao longitudinal through objective ,the blind old man palm is also does not fall down .relationresultYou say you a person I believe it ,who you know is it right? Want to wait ,wait for us here after the start . Related articles:

