
cheap beats by dre der high producti

The ? , relationresultThissentence to all present face changed colour .This man is guilty of what kind of nerve ,the central inspection group work is you this little producer can ask questions ?relationresultOnce the rate offorest saw Mu Guoxing face to face a sink ,said : the high production ,too !This sentence is can you ask ? , relationresultHow?Our reporter has mining it is duty ,we wanted to see ,do not yet ?The reporter ,is the uncrowned king, we have the right to know what we want to know anything ! , relationresultLi Junat the side of said : high production ,some things shouldn you know don know .
According to what you have just said you mean ,is it right? Want to ask our country the Central Military Commission ,the total number of nuclear weapons are put in where ? , relationresultThis one wordhigh-tech got a hot under the collar .
relationresultThis ,that I may not ask !This is a state secret ,but not like me the person should know ! , relationresultXiao Kunlin alsosaid : the high production ,how many years in journalism ?It seems that you know a secret two words .
, relationresultThe Chinese television has worked for more than ten years ! , relationresultI asked you for a number of years engaged in the news work ?In my impression among journalists words are very strict ,thinking is extremely sensitive, such as you probably first led out to interview ? , relationresultHigh techan awkwardly ,not to answer Xiao Kunlin question ,in order to hide his confusion readily raised their glasses .
relationresultToday I can understand the central inspection group of comrades feel very happy ,I propose a toast !As the saying goes deep feelings of a stuffy ,shallow feelings lick ,I ! The entire table no one of his ,who are grilled meal .
Everyone can see ,Mu Guoxing .Is the high-tech silly there have a look have a look left again ,also do not know his leadership how can rest assured that he led out of work .How can he possibly worthy reporter this sacred and honorable title ?relationresultHigh-techsee no one looked at him ,and muttered a few words said: shoot tasks have been completed ,tomorrow we back to the capital .
These days you can to keep the hot section of the broadcast !We the shooting effect is very good, I dare say it is our column group since its inception ,the best movie ! Mu Guoxing put the bowl of a push, said seriously : high-tech comrades ,I can responsibly tell you ,you this film was not broadcast .
I can also tell you ,you simply do not fit for your current job !Why? How do you know my film will broadcast deal? I come and stand about leadership ,my film just took will broadcast .
Ten thousand steps back ,is broadcast is not ,I will put it in a widely disseminated on the network ,I won my efforts in vain ! you this is a no party discipline and state laws in action !If you dare to use the network spread rumours to create trouble ,you will bear all the serious consequences .
, relationresultMu Guoxinguttered the words, the lead from the table to the restaurant and go to ,other tour group members also followed, while also walked out .Leaving only the high-tech Gang ,terrified of sat .
relationresultFirst ,you said today is it right? Too much ?Offend people but not for our good fruit to eat ah ! , relationresultWhat am I afraid of ?He for what ,I government official ,not corruption no bribes ,he can take me ?You said they can take me ? , relationresultHigh techmay be drinking a few cups of wine ,blush neck in the loud shout ,column group of other people to see this situation is also a slip .
relationresultA 20 year-oldcamera automatic speaking said: a what ?Is your sister sends a person to sleep ,let you a person to run errands carpenter made so the limelight once ! , relationresultHiswords were walking beside a man hears : this guy is crazy over !Against these people have good fruit to eat ah !I see us this is white ran ,not even his underground brother-in-law will follow it ! , relationresultIn twoeyes out of a smile .
relationresultIn the office of Mu Guoxing,once the rate of forest with great care and asked: leader ,how do you know that high production ? , relationresultMu Guoxingyesterday and had Shuai Lin briefly introduced ,once the rate of forest sighed and said: Oh ,leader ,what the big woods are birds .
However ,if he put this film is really on television ,is really a trouble ! , relationresultOh ,handsome Comrade Lin ,I think we do not see the tears unnecessary worries .Do you think the Tay provincial ,province government will be ready at work to do ?If they did not hold this evening dinner ,how do not give column group gang arrangements? Rest assured ,I assure you ,they are not in the film on television .
The Central Propaganda Department will intervene ! , relationresultOnce the rate ofLin nodded and said: leader ,you are right ,this film has never aired on TV ,but can not guarantee that they will not through other media spread .
The high production it is ,even if is the television can not play ,he will also propagates through the network .Thus ,we investigated is after his responsibility ,the impact will be irreparable ! , relationresultHandsome Comrade Lin ,I was thinking about this problem ,now the network so convenient ,once the video passed up ,not just our domestic influence ,is also likely to make the image of our country suffered severe damage .
However ,it has not formed the facts ,we are in this matter to take any measures . ,cheap beats by dre, relationresultOnce the rate offorest thought for a while ,said : the leader ,high production to the west province is necessarily get their station in a leadership approval ,we can ask the television press ,allowing them to capture the video ,this problem can be solved ? , relationresultMu Guoxing smiled: handsome Comrade Lin ,this way I can not think of, you know, tomorrow at noon they will return to the capital .
I see the high production that rash vigor, he is likely to find that he immediately behind the supporters ,for his video editing ,determining the broadcast time .If he knew this video has not aired ,what will he do ? , relationresultHe take it in the network communication ! , relationresultYeah ,I was worried about the case, now is the time question .
Don patrol group in these provinces power is very great ,but really to the national ministries and agencies ,they may not put us in the eyes of .Get a document travel to ,and Lily is cold ! , relationresultTwoindividuals have no speech ,their thoughts .
relationresultMu Guoxingin urgent work ,he also wanted to use his family strength to take care of the matter ,however, for such a thing, also is a bit too big deal .relationresultWho willhandle it well ?Mu Guoxing think it over and over again ,finally remind me of a man ,to him !He must have the ability to take care of the matter now !relationresultThe 861st chapter obvious Overtures , relationresultMu Guoxingthought this person is not others ,is the original central number seven grandson ,Mu Guoxing ,now the Ministry of culture when director Qu Weihua .
relationresultMusicalways and Mu old with time character ,has been in charge of publicity and education in the cultural sector ,in this circle accumulated powerful connections, although now retired ,however ,people still ,influence is still !relationresultQu Weihuasoon opened ,came to his surprise . Related articles:

