
monster beats n Mang what Wang Non

Chapter 569 contends for robbing
Wood clan, demon clan, these three greatest clans arrived at all of the representative director of fire jail star, the target was consistent, all for the sake of mentally dense cripple the diagram is since then.
Is original just want profound meaning Yangming fire of"source fire" and mentally dense and god of thunder to give or get an electric shock male 2 people, on hearing that the body of Ji vast sky ascends to unexpectedly still have the mentally dense remnants the diagram, is all eyes to become bright, 3 people neglect one eye, reached and then agree right away and also prepare to join to destroy battling out of diagram to the mentally dense.Just because the interest since then lifts second, after one Leng, is also a look in the eyes flicker, seem to have another idea.The mentally dense destroys diagram, is again a mentally dense remnants diagram!
Ji vast sky calm and steady face, cold see this greedy, the heart is full of exasperation, more is an exasperation, he is on the contrary and more dispassion, secretly deliberate in the heart, should how succeed in escaping from these the huge owlet the old strange hand.
If the superior of the territory of only just an absolute being, he probably dare also with it a war, however, the superior of the territory of so several absolute being arrives together, he canceled this mind right away and deliberated in the heart how to succeed in escaping and had never died to fight at 1:00 of viewpoint.
"Your everyone wants mentally dense remnants diagram, can tell me this mentally dense remnants diagram to exactly have a function?"The eye sees this a group of people gradually shut Luo, will act, the Ji vast sky finally cannot helped but making a noise to inquire.
Long Mang Wang of the demon clan ha ha a cachinnation, have no the slightest a mental reservation way:"Ten square skies' territories, and then is divided into five small state, are respectively extremely, Nie Qing, satisfied, absolute being, mentally dense, the mentally dense is an ultimate end territory, however, the territory of this mentally dense is again divided into two kinds of, 1 kind is original mentally dense, a kind of true Dao pole mentally dense, in this in this world, the superior of the territory of several empty mentally denses is just also all original mentally dense, ultimate end mentally dense state the is in the legend, basic no one can attain, rain mentally dense diagram, it is said that would be a world beginning to open previous keepsake, contain ultimate end mentally dense among them of profound meaning!"
Long Mang Wang's words arrive afterwards, the air is gradually dignified to get up"can attain ultimate end mentally dense of profound meaning, be good enough to make crary any factitiousness, the whichever race got this kind of profound meaning, all can the A become the real host of this star area, do you say that it can enough make people crary?!"
The territory of mentally dense is also divided into 2 kinds, original mentally dense and ultimate end mentally dense, Ji vast sky still keeps hearing this Mi Xin, a Chinese family name for the very first time, Leng for a while, just way:"So that's why."
"Hand over a mentally dense remnants diagram,monster beats, as long as you mentally dense the cripple diagram hand in, can't again someone is difficult for you."The feather of that feather clan the thin rain air is supercilious, cold way:"You didn't own its real strenght and stayed in hand will be anti- is harmed by it, I advise you or want to recognize pure present condition."
The god of thunder electricity of the Yangming fire and thunder absolute being mountain Mr.2 people, from start into eventually don't say one more, just concentrate on ground to stare at Ji vast sky, afraid the small action of missing any Ji vast sky.
The unconscious, 3 people of wood clan, feather clan and demon clan, has already rounded he at the center"the god of thunder electricity of that Yangming fire and thunder absolute being mountain Mr.2 people, similar take side toward him in the unconscious, seem to work well the preparation that makes moves at any time.Connect that to lift second, is also an eager for action shape.
The matter arrives at present, the Ji vast sky know to want to easily leave, perhaps wasn't an easy affair, had already been surrounding reason at this time, as long as he moves, will definitely welcome the raid of thunderbolt rain-storm sort.Under this kind of circumstances, Ji vast sky brain in lightning flicker, continuously look for the method for getting away.
Is together working the flash across is in the brain, in the Ji vast sky heart on moving, can not help under, finally had one idea that doesn't be regarded as idea."You just want mentally dense remnants diagram BE?"The Ji vast sky suddenly opens mouth and still hangs light smiling face on the face.The public air is each different, but all Gua ■ of express devoting one's minding of Zan F and care.
Lightly ordered to nod, the Ji vast sky wry smile way:"I the only satisfied territory fix for, you are each to is whichever to flick, all have the strength to can cut to kill me, and you are enemies, in really not Zhi, I didn't also keep intact the strength of mentally dense remnants diagram, and, I temporarily basically use not and up mentally dense remnants diagram these people present a facial expression of attention in succession, a tightly stare at him."Therefore, I take out mentally dense remnants diagram, I will throw a God, you who have skill, who loot."The Ji vast sky sighs a , an is also the facial expression with no way by himself/herself.
The obviation lifts second outside, the rest person seems really don't know the Ji vast sky have to be good enough to and their anyone match of strength, Long Mang Wang comes over of time, don't understand the death of Tu gram"really don't know the Tu gram has already been formerly killed in fighting by him and listens to him so on saying, public although didn't talk,secretly nod."This would is mentally dense remnants diagram, you loot."Cast covetous eyes on at these people under"the Ji vast sky is from that a spool of and very thin Confucian classics empress one page mentally dense the cripple diagram drew out, with threwed to go out.
That is a spool of mentally dense remnants diagram, in the sky drifted for a while, imitate a Buddha be blown by the breeze to kiss for a while, quickly got to that dragon Mang king's front.
The mentally dense cripple diagram flutters to living Zi in the unreal, one in fine threads crystal bright Huang Guang from in the flicker come out, those Huangs only delineate an incomplete pattern, the mentally dense remnants diagram dances in the wind of, the marvellous motion stirs up and unexpectedly makes these mind surging of the superiors who have the territory of absolute beings."Is quite good!Really is mentally dense remnants diagram!"The old of that wood clan, facial expression a pleased, exclaim a way:"At 1:00 right, this kind of motion is a mentally dense cripple the diagram possess singly!""Rob!"The feather of the feather clan thin rain is cold to drink a , scream way:"Do not must go for this demon king!"
The old of this wood clan still has the feather thin rain and almost and in a twinkling begins, not wait that mentally dense remnants diagram to fly shot into Long Pan Wang, the feather is thin rain back the pure wing is suddenly one exhibition, extended ten several rice long, those wing upper-class light flicker, give person a kind of bluish green wave oddity felling for rippling.A wind force with strong, suddenly from the body of feather thin rain inside gush.
This wind force seems the rule of influencing the world, that mentally dense that originally flew toward Long Mang Wang destroys diagram, surroundings fiercely the hurricane Tu rose and simply took that mentally dense remnants the diagram flew to feather thin rain this a cake of.
The old of the wood clan that early readies to, once the Hey Hey smile, eyes in ray of light Yi Yi, the spirit of a way dripping green takes suddenly from the his body inside fiercely exploded to project, kept to destroy diagram to shoot to go toward that mentally dense, will right away mentally dense cripple diagram to hold tight."Seek dead!The mentally dense in"the Long Mang Wang Ao Ao shouts loudly" destroys diagram I demon clan power at must, who dare to spare no one for enemy, I by all means wanting to him with me!"
After one of Long Mang Wang shouts loudly, originally impressive-looking body fiercely the inflation get up, his Zhang Kou vomits one regiment the black spirit come out, black the spirit in the sky and quickly spread, just a , bang-black the spirit then formed thick dense dark cloud and hid for a sky, cover ground, this one the skies all give block.
Black spirit in, a way bewitching light flicker, the impressive-looking body of Long Mang Wang is in the black spirit faintly discernable, a thick dense foul smell flavor releases to open, toward all directions extension, seem to want to imprison anyones all in the black spirit."Carefully this Mang king's bewitching poison!"Feather thin rain Be surprised to shout 1.The old of that wood clan smiled to order to nod"early know to return the old demon will do so."
The old of wood clan smiles an useful hand an underground, sees this shabby group of islands top be infused into endless vitality, a plant with weird in the plain stubbornly comes out and see the breeze grow, of a few breath, one stub stub three day the ancient tree come out, those huge branches and leaveses block horizon.
The branches and leaves of each stub three days ancient tree was all full of the green breathing of the Yu Yu spring onion spring onion, those huge leaves seemed to have the effect of purifying the demon poison, under the influence of these thou trees, the that dragon Mang what Wang Nong came out thick dense black smoke in sky is resolved, or drive some ferocious plants to swallow."Damn of, you unexpectedly cultivated a food demon grass!"Long Mang Wang in the sky shout loudly.
So in a short while hold up, that mentally dense remnants diagram is flying toward the old hand of that wood clan, he the face ascend also full is a satisfied smiling face, a facial expression that wins coupon's in control.Even now!
A way big lightning flash in sky livings without basis, the tens of thousands greatest lightning flashes are from the sky but decline, with the power of the as powerful as a thunderbolt, moment that stub stub three day the ancient tree bombed of explode ground open, meanwhile, the fire of one round and round knoll similar size burning fiercely cover down, in those trees fly an activity soon write.
A wink of effort, the woods displayed out by the old of that wood clan are then blazed by lightning flash and fire to burn cleanly.
The old body of the wood clan side, the electricity of thunder absolute being top of hill is male after a Shan once rowed now, suddenly appear, stretch hand toward that mentally dense cripple the drawing board go to.
Feather thin rain the face of the cold Ao ascend full is a ferocious mien, way:"The electricity is male, you this is for the thunder absolute being mountain ask for to big hemp in the sky indeed, you know not to know you at stem what?""I know."The electricity is male an in that mentally dense Ji diagram income hand, sneer at a way:"You can loot, why can I not loot?"
"We loot, because we wood clan and feather clans all the one who have original mentally dense, we this is to strive for benefit for my clan.What about you, you can the back of thunder absolute being mountain have superior's on the side of the territory of mentally dense?If have no, so the thunder absolute being mountain then only has dead end a !"The feather is thin but sneer way."This not Lao you worry."The god of thunder humed to hum.Way="I person's clan is similar the remnants having the superior of the territory of original mentally dense, having this mentally dense swallow, we thunder absolute being the mountain don't worry an unable to find big powerful supporter."
"You this is to seek dead, then it and no wonder that we."Feather thin raindrop nod, way:"In spite of my robbing could not rob mentally dense cripple diagram, you thunder absolute being mountain all will drive I feather clan to clean up!""Have the mentally dense remnants the diagram, nature will the strong having the territory of mentally dense be successful in career for us."God of thunder despise way."Kill!"Feather thin rain lightly drinks a , unreal in a strong gale flash across, her figure with the wind but go, in a very short moment the body that was electricity Mr. side.Once the fire and god of thunder 2 people of Yangming see feather thin and moved true Nu, don't dare to neglect as well and faced up right away.
Moreover and simultaneously, Long Mang Wang of that demon clan is also a cook cook to don't already shout loudly, present from black cloud on the sky, Zhang Kou Yi vomits, one regiment is thick dense matchless black only bomb however hit down, Tashan is in a short instant changing into Ji powder, Long Mang Wang after showing Xu roars 1 in the unreal.
Suddenly, the demon body of Long Mang Wang presents, the python of a long enemy's 100 Zhangs, in the black clouds faintly discernable, python that blood sprinkles the red eye pupil son of Li sort in, full is brutish ruthlessly oppressive, the big mouth is opened and hurtle the foul smell flavor in sky sprays down from the sky and still take to decay Human body among them of saliva.
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