
www.beats4monster.co.uk some stations of Ju

The ability is little dead many people.
Yang Hua Wei one face sneer the ground made track for up.This time but have no again be like before so with soft lie prone to beat into one regiment.Just not and far not the vicinity district follow.But take out gun to open several guns.Or fling out a blue explosive again.Don't harm soft lie prone.On the contrary lift many strangers to turn over.
The municipal services mansion is certainly located in a city center.And at locally common people eyes in.Is a here the place is mysteriously.Non- staff member is ten thousand ten thousand can not go into hinterland.Words otherwise those declare civil servant ground officer's the masterses annoy from cradle to the grave.Result very serious.Didn't see in the front door there are still two in full battle array grounds armed police at stand guard.
The municipal services mansion takes over.Be covered with black cape ground card Ba Si Ding soft lie prone a place to.At his ground is nearby.Still stood to lack one leg skill the ground is small full.However is small full at this time incompletely body up ever and anon stretch out some thin long ground of proud fleshes to wring together,www.beats4monster.co.uk.It be lately and snow-whitely forming a body.Sex appeal onely.
"It is soft to lie prone this idiot.He took Yang Hua Wei to here to come."Card Ba Si deep and lowly roars.
"I landlord person.Please allow me to say a misdemeanorly words."It was small full to want to mean to say a way.
"I know what you mean to say.The half monster person's ground intelligence is very low.Equal to your 12 years old ground of kid here.Although they are fierce to stand in no fear of dead.However very obviously.Primevally stage.Let them directly resist with ability.Especially resist with Yang Hua Wei.Is a Zhi not it raises."Card Ba Si says.Stretch hand to take out high times of a Russian habitat for use by the military from the bosom telescope to see to the distance.Keep ordering a head.
"My host, you equally own now for count numerous mankind follow, they can be you and your business dedicate to be born a life, why take no account of them?"Is small full to don't understand of ask a way.
The card expected Si to put the telescope on the hand down and clapped two to clap on the hand claw son, "the mankind really have a lot of good things and for example say this kind of thing, can see more far and know more, the mankind are remarkable ah, however make reference to bottom, the mankind still keep aring an inferior race, I don't believe your mankind, I can not allow you to own me beyond control strength, small full, you is the first follow mine, you say, if after you owned outstrip my strength, do you also listen to me?"Card Ba Si says to twist a head that staring at with green eyes is small full to say.
"My host, you can not doubt my loyalty ……" is small full a surprised, use haven't completely grown good of the leg propped up to keep on kneeling.
"Mankind ah, always so ……H'm, that phrase should call unreliable, to to, be so, all not enough forever sincerity."Card Ba Si shakes a head to say, " leaves, we should walk, soft lie prone have already brought Yang Hua Wei."Card Ba Si says to turn round to come downstairs, small full hurriedly heel go up.
The popular son that from a distance can see a government, Yang Hua Wei's heart is continuously to read don't don't , but in front of soft lie prone or a head of firm entered a big hospital of government, Yang Hua Wei bit a tooth close behind hurtled into, those two armed polices in door even used weapon to Yang Hua Wei, only but is like two ants that challenge toward the elephant, Yang Hua Wei such as a burst of breeze hurtled into.
Inside in the mansion that was soft to lie prone a head of to drill into government tears off an elevator door and jumped up to keep on jumping, Yang Hua Wei closes on the heels of afterward, this inside is unexpectedly like another world, a large ground floor inside, there is even also a cup doing not have thoroughly cool coffee.
Is soft to lie prone to shrink the corner in the ground floor in, stretch out a head of Leng form, the head is translucent, can see that boxing greatly evil crystal among the head revolve, often spread the air of one in fine threads distortion similar thing, spread into among the body, soft lie prone of the body also become more and more big.
Yang Hua Wei threw two blue explosives to the ground, a don't utter of withdrew a government mansion, rush to go to the distance, bomb a ly, the light wave in blue clipped a burst of take weird flavor of strong gale set of book but lead, the whole government mansions all disappear among the city.
"Yang Hua Wei, you want my life you to take."Wang Peng flies in the communication machine to use extremely mild euphonic say.
"Return to, I occupy to say with you."Yang Hua Wei is also similar to quietly say, the tone of the equanimity lets to was placed in government originally there are still officials in mansion be put out of aroused Wang Peng in the anger to fly to fiercely wide awoke, this heart was to twist a turn son, always felt that wanting important event isn't good.
13 small building inside, Wang Peng flies some feel vexed of in the house turn leisurely wear, Diao in the mouth wear a smoke, even the Diao was anti- and don't discover, hand inside play a lighter, beat several times have never beaten to catch fire, jilted to threw to go out, bumped on the wall to send out one of Pa deep-fried ring.
Yang Hua Wei pushed door to walk to come in, smoke and dust bring in to an one house, Yang Hua Wei trembled to tremble body and trembled the dust on the body to go, this clothes made into with the evil skin also had one advantage, the Water and soil doesn't be stained with and just tremble, still such as new, just have several places have already broken into abuse son.
"Is oh my!, your clothes all broke, I to take one for you again new."Wang Peng flies to hurriedly say, turning round will walk.
"Need not, say proper business first."Yang Hua Wei raised to stopped the action that Wang Peng flies to say, Wang Peng flew some stations of Ju Cus at first, hand and foot is superfluous, the evil monster unexpectedly set up old nest in the government underneath in the mansion, this matter Wang Peng flew to where all had a mouth to can not remember clearly, more don't the brief summary faced Yang Hua Wei.
The outside sends out one of bang and rings, one flies a car from the sky but declined, limitless and anxious fire Liao of from the car in rushed out, a few Zongs jumped direct jumped into office from the window, saw limitless back, Wang Peng flew on the whole is long one breath, two furies that faced Yang Hua Wei always compared their oneselfs an individual strong, unfortunately of is square and red Yan and any pear flower don't have connection up, otherwise of words Wang Peng flew to pour and hope and pull several more to quell Yang Hua Wei's furies.
Yang Hua Wei to still be placed in among a head of fog water of Be a little bit limitless to nod, is limitless arch then arch hand, immediately after face Wang Peng to fly, but face last Wang Peng fly to make faces of facial expression, made limitless to give° the words wanted to ask to swallow to return t, fog water on the head is thicker, almost be like rained heavy rain is similar.
"Wang Peng flies, today this matter how do you want to report upward?"Yang Hua Wei suddenly asks a way.
"?This matter ……not so good do, can the truth actually said."Wang Peng flies to say, " however you trust, above can't make it lively for yours."
"I not is worry who difficult I, I pour to hope to order to make it lively for more."Yang Hua Wei says to sneer at for a while, the facial expression was also that the Yin is cold, the Yin is cold to make Wang Peng fly to all cannot help but beating one cold Zhan.
"I think that I had the cooperation height that the necessity lowers us."Yang Hua Wei says.
"Do not go, Yang Hua Wei, you can not do so."Wang Peng flies to stretch to begin to do an appearance that wants to pull Yang Hua Wei.
"Why can I not do so?Wang Peng flies, I come here quick half year, I think that I don't be regarded as by myself it's too stupid, I much understand this nation possibly, this society, this new of ages lately of social, domestic what kind, you still have to be clear than me, the person of the monster can set up their old nests a mansion at the government today in, tomorrow, may set up a capital city of medium south china sea go, I don't hope I in place ahead do a war, behind still need to worry is don't be copied old nest."Yang Hua Wei says.
Wang Peng flies to silently have no language, or, Yang Hua Wei is afraid to bring trouble 13, but Yang Hua Wei's reason, let Wang Peng fly some can not accept, but he knows, this is a fact, Yang Hua Wei says have no wrong, the card expected Si to set up the old nest to the government underneath of mansion, those all having no knowledge of officials' a ?This matter only afraid tell others the nobody will believe, Wang Peng flies now only a felling, headache, very headache, local officer what kind, as 13 captains very clear, want to be like a to be similar to comb 1 time of all officers the comb?This matter only afraid even if is at in none of south china sea those big guys dare to do.
"I decide to escape from to be 13, 13 logistics that is responsible for me, the ammunition explosive returns Related articles:

