
monster beats It is small lazy

Say dream.But this doesn't represent a leaf as well for any now do of is useless achievement, after all the body still exists oneself's breathing, although two breathing together"the star kills Shu", the quality is indeed big different.Is which excellent which the inferior nature need not say more, any now of leaf wants to do of be attain at once he or she's this breathing father that quality.Now have no coagulating of life, pour also at the right moment slanting dozen just wear, be regarded as positive way.
Plus to there have been the father's strong breathing guiding inside the body, manipulate to arise from F, that breathing to is more proficient.Have already obtained a miracle sort ground for a few hours achievement.Leaf any really don't know, in a moment that he falls asleep, his body has already set alight shallow white I the hazy breathing is exactly his own breathing to head for flame of anger Class.

The enemy of Volume 3 chapter 146 back
Renew time:2008-10-70:26:41 chapter word numbers:3576

"Any elder brother of leaf, any elder brother of leaf ……" in a dream imitates a Buddha someone call he or she, leaf any slowly opened a double eye and saw the small lazy skill shake oneself, the another skill carries one sack thing.See a leaf any opening eyes and immediately raising that:"Get up to have breakfast."
Is small lazy to after death stand crow and small Yang, small Yang simultaneously toward a leaf any points out to order part to the crow way:"You see, I can say that again, guard is zero, if the small lazy hand inside is to chase knife, you see him drive Tong how much knife!"
"One knife."The crow is calm tunnel.
"One knife?"The small Yang doesn't understand that being just small lazy clearly has already pushed a leaf any has ten much next.
The crow remains one face quiet:"If drive Tong a knife still don't come to, the guard is a minus quantity."
Is small lazy to burst again one smiled, leaf's any face black line, turn over to start and talk, the small Yang has already rushed ahead a way:"I know that you because of full of trust we.Like, everyone comes to have a meal!"
Once the topic turn, just of matter's imitating a Buddha have never taken place similar have already been led by a generation.
Is small lazy to give everybody prosperous up a bowl of, everyone looks at a leaf together any.Leaf any didn't realize this it's different and ate under eying of 3 people descend one mouthful.
"Pa!"Once the small Yang clap thigh, leaf any got a fright, bowl in the hand almost gave to fling out to go, listens to small Yang call way:"I say, his affirmation doesn't brush teeth and then eat and give money to money."The small Yang excitedly carries to arise from F that bowl of.
The crow remains is that one face is quiet, Tao a few money throws on the table, mumbling way in the mouth:"Is great surprised, great surprised."
"Depend!"Leaf any in anger toward small Yang a wave hand.
"Pa" one rings, the small Yang Ning gets empty in the half of the chopsticks suddenly break to do 2 and follow after death of wall up send out "Ceng" a ring.Wallpaper drive laceration, the wall skin also appears a together shallow scar.
Break the next chopsticks head to slowly fall onto ground, ten thousand Lais inside the house accompany to calm down.
After being dead silent a long time, leaf any:"What is the row?"
The public vision together brushes a ground of direction he, the crow loosenned tone first, light way:"When do you have to kill him!"Follow have already started to carry a bowl to continue to have a meal.
It is small lazy to also start to carry a bowl to continue to have a meal.
Doubt under leaf's any heart, oneself just just literally flicked to start and how give°ed the breathing to send out to.See come from F still devote one's mind the status while doing Shu last night.Think.Leaf any turned over a wrist.
The house inside immediately pipes down again, the public vision together brushes a ground of direction leaf together again any.Tangibly saying is leaf any of hand.
"See what to see.Just that is just accident."Leaf any.
"……" Is public long to export spirit.The facial expression very white small Yang re- changed double chopsticks and silently ate.
"Yi?Is small lazy, do you when come back?"Leaf any side eats a side to think of.
"Just came back, conveniently took breakfast for you."It is small lazy to smilingly answer a way.
"Xu Jia how there?"Leaf's any oddness how all no one's asking the circumstance of small lazy task, but doing not know is exactly he or she to just and suddenly assault to disrupt public thoughts and feelingses were all.
"Do not see photograph ground two people."Small lazy answer.This is clear isn't a good news, but small lazily face up still keep hanging to smile, immediately after way:"Because I basically have no an opportunity to go in and appear many Shus.The alert is very severe, I have been waiting until bright for a sky didn't also opportunity to find out."
The crow ordered to nod.Suddenly took out PDA to see one eye, followed to ring out to knock on door a voice.Knocking on door a way last night with crow is similar, had certain rhythm.
The crow dynasty is small lazy to flick to start, small lazy open the door, leaf any listens to small lazy voice:"The senior clerk of cloud.Senior clerk Lin is you, have already had breakfast?"
Follow and then hear a chemisette voice clear and crisp to neatly ring out:"Is small lazy you again long Gao."
Turn into building, leaf any saw is small lazy the after death black western dress pen stand of two people.The left side is once saw before, blue set senior clerk cloud breeze.But the right side this person's being clear is a female, but the whole body man's ground attires on her makes people feel again suitable however.Being dressed in men's wear is handsome, be dressed in a female at the midnight Jing of obviously is this person.
"Come over pretty and quickly!"Crow hello way.
There is no the type of "you good", "please sit down" of ceremonious, 2 people pulled stool to sit to before the table, small lazy immediately give 2 people prosperous ascend 2 bowl,monster beats.Cloud breeze holds a bowl to say with smile:"This is the hotel, how feel with at home, you which come of bowl chopsticks."
"While coming over conveniently bought 1."It is small lazy to answer a way.
"Cloud breeze, you once saw."The crow gives the leaf any 2 people, " this is red set senior clerk.Lin Li."
"How do you do!"Lin Li talks to vomit a word very quickly but again clear, imitate a Buddha to leap a bean general, on seeing is a generous person, " you are leaf any."
Leaf any nod, freely ask a way:"What is the red set dry?"
"Rescue 1 type."The crow answers a way.
"That and your pursue and arrest a set to pretty be like!"Leaf any is to cloud breeze way.
Cloud breeze smiles to say:"The only differentiation is what she must live, I that sometimes needs to live ground, sometimes but have to be dead."
"Go, said proper business, urgently wear to make us come over what matter?Three senior clerks have no a matter to meet, long affirmation may begin to suspect.Hurriedly solution."Lin Li's straight talk from an honest person.
"See this."The crow lets go of a bowl and takes out the badge that the red dress makes to put on the table.
"Red dress badge!Where did "all of cloud breeze and Lin Shen are a surprised, " come?"
"Last night I and leaf any is from that the house withdrew come be blocked bottom."Crow way.
"Is it the red dress that make?Be organized to doubt?"2 people worry with yesterday's leaf any to is similar.
Crow way:"Should can't, he didn't show an identity in front of us at that time, is we kill he found out this to play a skill from his body, just know that he is a red dress to make.Thought at first Xu Jia's this matter calculates not and up what important event, see perhaps remarkable now.
"The person whom this matter involves is quite a few very wide, yesterday morning that person, be not still claim to be a special investigator?"Small Yang way.
Leaf any immediately thinks of that person, the Tao in the pocket, take out metal originally to table a put a way:"Is him!"
"What things?"The crow stretches hand to picked up and turns over to open one way of seeing:"Special investigator's certificate, this you made!"
"After killing that person yesterday morning, I touched out from his body."Leaf any:"There is also a gun, give small Yang."
"Is not this certificate true?"Leaf any asks a way.
"This we can not judge.See in the this place writing of cave Be getting more convex?This representative is they special investigator ground serial number, identifying true or false can go up judgment from this, our outsider is judgment is not of."Crow way.
Leaf any suddenly thoughts of one person, probably he can judge one this plays a skill of true or false.The old daddy of strict ice.Play the skill to this and take out at the strict father in front just.80% will lead him to doubt.Don't know strict ice can this boy know out!Leaf any secretly whispers.
"This thing you accept Yang.There is also this badge." Related articles:

