
monster beats direct campaign re

Fu doesn't dare to say one more words, don't dare to walk more one-step road.
Chen Yun Jie is also fully satisfied, he at the beginning of those early years allow third teacher teacher of two trips Be long to all rise to administer the situation of one province, the not only south shows off Xiao, piece to the blessing also rise soldier in Henan to will do and watch Luo sun site for him.
Chen Yun Jie goes down south at the same time, the new antinomy happened to Henan again, in assigning military payroll, Yang Lin Yi and piece to the blessing and Su cold autumn all very dissatisfied to river in Kuan-shan, became the small triangle alliance of an anti- Kuan-shan river, but the problem of Song soldier in the town still can not solve.
Chen Yun Jie can rush through processing problem in Henan once.Method of solution can sacrifice river in Kuan-shan, after Chen Yun Jie instructs Cao clearly, is risen army by Du soldier in Henan river in Kuan-shan to cruise, inspect to make, this army inspects to make to always establish because of person of, exclusively arrange the subordinate has ambition life ambition of abdicate an old soldier, according to Chen Yun Jie's words, this job also only river in Kuan-shan just entitle to do.
Henan hands over Yang Lin Yi to then be responsible for, Yang Lin Yi right away the rate department backstroke to attempt into Song soldier in the town of making Henan, this Yang Jun who is also an interesting news, beat Song soldier in the town of the Xia military flag but is standard place troops in Henan, beat the Yu military flag but is a standard Xia soldier, both parties close to fight the third in the tiger prison, Song soldier in the town finally cans not stands up, Liu Hua Zhen leaves a department but escapes, under charge great commander or dead or spread.
Waited Chen Yun Jie to give° problem in Henan to solve, there Jiangsu has been already thrown away and kept a soldier to just want to make moves, result Li Ding far made moves really too and quickly, he prepared to begin the time of solving Liu Jing Xiao and Li Ding Yuan, and the problem of north is getting larger.
After keeping E war, distance cloud the premier once returned to term before the Peng, but the of two Gus is difficult to is a Fu, besides had so two mothers-in-law, distance cloud Peng had a little bit some actions, must instruct Cao clearly with Zhang Bu Yun after just go, result sometimes forgot to instruct Chen Yun Jie, after a burst of pain of Chen Yun Jie scold, distance cloud Peng hurriedly comes out to ask for pardon.
Just isn't the day that the person does or more and more sad, distance cloud Peng also can jilt a hand not dry, this central political power fell in to receive to fasten of hand, Zhang Bu Yun stays in provisions for army city now, complete with emperor's father from reside, but keep receiving of the antinomy of is also more and more big.
Zhang Bu Yun and Cao is clearly regarded as relatives, result Zhang Bu Yun sees not to be used to Chen Yun Jie, and he says clearly to the Cao:"Is a relatives in person still subordinate close?The nature is a relatives in person, the Luo sun of Chen Yun Jie trains soldiers now, clear is recruiting wing to want to replace ……we since is relatives, can not sit but stare at it naturally ……give° Chen Yun Jie's job to never mind ……"
The Cao is clearly from lowly, but is the person that the understand matter manages, smile but don't answer, but keep receiving of the antinomy of is more and more big, both parties' honeymoon expects later on be create noisy disturbance,
Zhang Bu Yun since have already got hold of central political power, think to be further again naturally, thoroughly control north, then go force unified of plan, the direct descendant is to stare at to stab in the meat in his eyes, and keep a soldier also can turn round to deal with to receive a soldier with all strength, have no the dint deal with Liu Jing Xiao and Li Ding Yuan.
Zhang Bu Yun has already readied to ten road battalions and shines on his plan, Liu Jing Xiao sends army to Shandong, Li Ding sweeps as far as Yangtze River, the Chuan soldier follows a river keep bottom, south soldier again rise in revolt Northern Expedition ……
Wait everyone to put together about, he comes out again to pick up cheapness,monster beats, this cloud hero of Chen is also an in the mind to contain number, scheme preemptive, he repeatedly attacks the center, especially military expenses allotment up, in order to receiving to fasten to control central political power, kept soldier income very few, but for Cao clear idea, his in the mind have no bottom.
This time, the Cao delivered one report of switching on electricity for Chen Yun Jie clearly and said on the telegram:"You are me, I am you …… relatives although close, not equal to oneself person close ……"
Chen Yun Jie this just settles down the decision for opening hostilities and keep receiving of war formal explosion, but Zhang Bu Yun is still at this time hundred percent to war confidence,
Have the reporter the modern style weapon and war method for mentioning to keep a soldier to Zhang Bu Yun, Zhang Bu Yun's confidence hundred percently says:"Don't listen to their sea blowing!Fight, depend of be put together an old life!None of old lives wants, the nature can win victory ……Chen Yun Jie ……hum, isn't a small teacher?I want to lift a coffin to fight ……"
Zhang Bu Yun's fruit doesn't fail to keep promise, before learning gold famous general the left surname lift coffin war to show decision.
The war that keep receiving as a result, indeed as expected anticipate in Zhang Bu Yun's idea in, time beat the ratio keeps E war to slightly grow 1:00, but regrettable Chen Yun Jie is indeed just that the generation is handsome, goes into pass to receive soldier 670,000 people, the big gun is several hundred, from open hostilities Yi to start unexpectedly to always be resided to a leeway.
Ten road battalions, in addition to some capital of oneself of Zhang Bu Yun, who all Be not willing to three fight, especially Liu Jing Xiao and Li Ding Yuan, Be all at present occupied in making stronger own governance, how may for take Su in the fire of Zhang Bu Yun.
As for receive a soldier, each or vie with each other in Kui backing, or the quick Kui back and ride Xu Lan Zhou of soldier's commander rides soldier's group by eight ones that ride a large unit to constitute and unexpectedly goes deep into to keep soldier interior region ten few kilometers at a time, but this rides a soldier unexpectedly at first motionless several hour, what affairs didn't do.
Zhang Bu Yun's another precept is similar to the E soldier, the use declines a soldier to beat first time, in the middle of keeping E war, Zhang Bu Yun accepted to weave 22 teachers in the center, the source of this teacher is those early years Ping Li take into one of two teachers of Peking, another teacher is to keep 21 teachers of the function of war exertion of E pass Jians, the teacher also is to contain good will towards keeping a soldier, didn't put a gun already to keep a soldier to lose truly, subsequently cause whole army breakup.
Zhang Bu Yun wanted to ascend in person the country direct campaign, result lift a coffin coffins for fighting all to the department of Wang Bin Cheng to the grab, Zhang Bu Yun immediately from led a soldier to send back rear, have never thought he appointed be responsible for break behind of a teacher unexpectedly have already robbed in his front to withdraw Luan state, the result annoys Zhang Bu Yun flick knife in person and scraping his head.
Regrettable Zhang Bu Yun connect pare seven officer's head, is still defeated troops like tide, all the way the Kui backs down, whole army still can back to guard a Yu pass, the place troops of hot river already anti- water, only withdraw the artillery being robbed is many not next several, Suiyuan and Cha admire protecting of Er the soldier make is also an intelligent person.
Certainly, the transformation flag was most quickly a palace guards, Zhang Bu Yun just thoughted of the palace guards commander's headquarters discussion military situation, but discover they early transformation keep soldier flag, hurriedly escape just escape by sheer luck be captured.
Receive a soldier unique a little bit bright about is Zhang Bu Yun's armed escort regiment, the chief of this regiment is Wang Wen Feng, at the beginning Liu Jing Xiao's beginning meets distance Hui joss-stick, this king's text is plentiful served as armed escort long, this time the battle backs but not Kui, ability whole army but back, kept intact real strenght, subsequently Be in Zhai in the stone door carry on having built-up holdout, ambuscade first to keep a soldier to make track for soldier forward successful, subsequently carry on continuously to arouse a war, again and again hurtle to kill more than ten times, Wang Wen Feng's practical ability lets Chen Yun Jie all in different light.
In the middle of arousing war, Wang Wen Feng dies in battle in an anti- impact, but this regiment exchanges to receive a soldier main force by huge price to withdraw a Yu pass front line, another performance is quite good is an original Shandong king from together the trip of Chen Sheng Chen of under charge long, this teacher at king from together defeat and destroyed break out of Shandong in eve, went and lived with a segment iron people afterwards, kept E war in again be received a soldier to accept plait to travel for 1 mixing becoming.
This time, this Chen rises a performance rather good and even defeats to keep a soldier on the partial battlefield, post-war Zhang Bu Yun for a while promote him for the teacher.
However kill at the time that Yu closed, Wang Bin Cheng lost to battle aggressive, he is Liao western interest city person, don't wish a battle fire spread home town, started whetting to come since the ocean work, and other troopses suffered a defeat because of Zhai in the stone door and plused front the results in battle was clusters of, also fully satisfied.
This service, receives a soldier to lose 78 myriad people, but hurts fallen petal flowing water, by this time Wang Bin Cheng again on the water and Zhang Bu Yun's negotiation, both parties again reached with E to receive war close by agreement in those early years, after waiting the agreement that Chen Yun Jie knew both parties, he annoys lambaste a way:"Bin city mistake I!Bin city mistake I!"
After E receives war, south north of temporarily stopped large-scale combat, everyone's sons are all busy to make stronger site, Zhang Bu Yun at close outside whole armament force, Li Ding far concentrates to conduct Su rather, Cao clearly stay in to protect settle, the tiger of Chen Yun Jie according to the Luo sun, only Liu Jing Xiao lives as recluse spring city.
These two years, in addition to reclaiming and cultivating in two Huais, Liu Jing Xiao there is no big achievement, other people also once lent this be blamed to Related articles:

