
beats by dre studio hd using the felt will

The world chapter 328 mysterious company's brigade
The Mo of New Year the north is again extensive blizzard to gobble up steppe, from big year of 30 beginning, blizzard fully wreaked havoc to just let up for three days and three nights, the color of the sky put bright, the Mo north has already become a world of white snow Ai Ai when the first sunlight of treasure 12 years appears on the steppe on that day.
At Kingsoft with north, leave Tang Jun Da Dun camp about 100 snow out of the inside at first ascend appeared a company's brigade, the company brigade constituted to°from more than 500 camels and loaded down demand of steppe very greatly various goods, slowly to east but go, it is a horde to return to He, the supplies was more sparse to lack, various daily necessity all basically the kao businessman came to transport, the path transporting mainly has three, one is west road, from Su especially, the businessman of the Anne west etc. ground cross Kingsoft, carried to a great deal of supplies steppe, secondly was a centerline;Is also a river east and Shuo square, this is all the way mainly to regard official trade as principle, set up horse City in the frontier city, the both parties businessman carries on everything trade, also have dynasty Tang bestows to return to He of a great deal of cloth Juan, also exit from country from here;The one more road is the east trade, grounds, such as Fan Yang and You state...etc., the Anne Lu mountain in those early years is a huckster that is engaged in frontier trade.
Anne's history of in disorder behind, vomited Fan to capture Anne west, the Silk Road's moving toward north He is once inshore, west the line trade then prosperous, a great deal of of Su especially the businessman pass in and out steppe, gradually, they control lived time the He person's economic life vein, support returning to He newly arisen trade nobility, Su especially the person started having a prominent function in the middle of returning to He political situation, be all returning to He many times in the past to have their shadows in the power games.
And at this time, Su especially the person get into steppe just for seeking thick benefit, the numbers are few, time is also mostly concentrated summer autumn two quarters, be like this kind of to appear in winter of company's brigade is still extremely seldom seen.
This Su especially company brigade from Su especially person and Turkic the person mix to constitute, total more than 100 persons, the leader is a middle age man, named Ba Luo, come from Samarkand, but accurately say, this Ba Luo isn't a Su person especially, but Persia person.
Cross a Kingsoft, they didn't see any herding people, formerly a few resident places to herding people all have already become desolate one and herd the dead of the people dead and escape of escape, all clean up an empty, make to expect Luo extremely regrets, no wonder that return to He khan to hate to the bone to Li Qing An, Tang Jun's means indeed as expected cruelty pole, return to He to want to resume vitality, really difficult.
Led a Kingsoft, company's brigade became nervous, they only and perhaps fall among Tang Jun, but they more worry, the affair usually becomes really, morning, they just crossed a river for keeping in deep freeze, suddenly, see one ride a soldier brigade from south the noodles rushed.
The businessmens frighten the noodles is like soil color, the many people turns round and escapes and expects Luo to quickly yell:"Don't escape, can not escape of, everyone listens to my order."
The businessmen are meticulous, wait for the arrival of E luck, ride soldier's brigade to rush into at this time, indeed as expected is Tang Jun's patrol brigade, they are responsible for patroling this one region and at the right moment discovered company's brigade.
The patrol brigade is hurtling to come forward to yell a way:"The owner raises a hand and wildly moves to shoot on sight!"
Expect Luo initiative to raise a hand, other businessmen also follow to raise a hand in succession, the brigade is positive a wave hand to make a way:"Search for me!"
Is several ten well-known scholar the soldier is blunt to come forward, use long pike first to the goods of disorderly Tong a spirit, this just opens to wrap a check one by one, didn't discover to illegal act a product, one well-known scholar soldier to brigade positive ear whisper severals , at this time, expect Luo to walk to come forward and take out full a bag of silver coin and pass is smiling apologetically a way for brigade:"This is to give the soldier the tips of the Yes, please march Ye to go a convenience!"
Brigade positive Dian Dian silver coin, is satisfied with that the location nods a way:"I can not make it lively for you, but we the Cui general have been already ordered strictly, any company's brigade not get and return to the He person's bargain, disobey order have to pass by his to interrogate, I don't dare to defy military command, you make a trip with me!"
Expect Luo a foolish, still need to go for money?The brigade is imitating a Buddha to know his idea, then say with smile:"Disobey order company's brigade to contain 2 kinds, a kind of is a knowingly break, this kind of wants to severely punish, another is to have no knowledge, can be lenient with offenders, I can substitute you beautiful talk, say that you are to belong to the second, so can't make it lively for you."
Expecting Luo is helpless, have to promise a way:"Is all right!We go with you."
He turns head to shout a way:"Everyone goes southward!"
The businessmen adjust to turn a direction and follow a Tang Jun patrol brigade, to south but go.
The big department of Tang Hu's allied troops has already withdrawn a Kingsoft with west of old nest, but still leave 10,000 troops garrison a Kingsoft to the east, have 3,000 in 10,000 troops Tang soldier and 7,003 beard soldiers is blessed by Cui Gan of direct commander-in-chief, Cui Gan's blessing don't return to a northern court, he still stays at steppe up, wait for the arrival in spring, the Cui Gan blesses ratio who all clear, though in past year, he at Mo north of the west's walking sideways don't hate, return to the real strenght of He soldier don't be subjected to much influence, they even have no and return to He soldier of main force once resist, the flower blossoms in warm spring, will be return to He the person counter-attacks of arrival.
This sky noon, and usually similar, the Cui Gan blesses to ride a horse an inspection in the neighborhood of army camp, 1,000 ride a soldier to follow behind him, the horse's hoofs steps accumulated snow the Ga Zhi make ring, the very thick accumulated snow together goes to the knee of fighting the horse and walk very difficult, the officers and mens good care war horse, using the felt will fight leg and belly of horse to all bind and slowly walk in snow ground north bound.
At this time, one well-known scholar the soldier point at distance to yell:"General, you see!"
The Cui Gan blesses hatchet man Lian to look about to the distance, white snow shoots in the reflecting of sunlight under particularly stab an eye, but he still kept seeing, the distance appeared one brigade small black mark.
"Go up and see!"
Ride soldier's brigade to fold a way toward the north, the very quickly then gradual kao is near small black mark, unexpectedly is a company's brigade that constitutes to°from several hundred camels, load down various goods, about more than 100 Turkic persons and Su person especially, they be drive Tang Jun patrol detection of company's brigade is sending away under guard to a big camp.
The patrol brigade is seeing a chief commander arrival, hurriedly jump down a horse, move forward to come forward to report a report:"The Qi reports Cui general, we discovered this company's brigade in the Kingsoft northern side and transfered under guard camp once especially, we had already inspected, didn't illegal act a product, they don't know that the general has already forbidden company to make and belongs to first offender as well."
Since Tang Hu's allied troops took the offensive He once, company's brigade few emergence are on the steppe, and in winter appear company's brigade is more rare, this be still the first, the Cui Gan blesses not from some oddness, then horsewhip one asks a way:"Who is a leader of a group, come out to answer!"
Sees go into business to come out in the brigade a 40 remaining year old of the man is exactly a company brigade leader Ba Luo, he comes forward put on the chest, blessed for Cui Gan to go one gift, used a well-trained Chinese language way:"Highly respectable general, the mean person expect Luo, is the leader of a group of company's brigade."
The Cui Gan blesses to conjecture his one eye, is a Su non-Han nationalities especially, he then asks a way:"Where do you come, and then want to go where?Luck of what goods?"
"Report back general, we come from Samarkand, is return to He the person go a temple, this is we at Da Luo the Si city pay the tax receipt of tax and ask general to look over."
Expect Luo to take out a piece of paper, pass to the Cui Gan bless, the Cui Gan blesses to open to took a look, the goods are worth 50,000 Na Er, pay a tax 2,500 Na Er, he returned the tax receipt to the other party, cold way:"My problem, you haven't finished answering."
Especially the Su businessman saw one eye camel brigade, way:"Our every year and time He person does business, know that they need what, our goods mainly are salts, sugar and tea-leaf, have some silverware, be subjected to very much liking of He nobility once, we are mainly to change the He person's furriery once, and the contacts makes a profit."
"Is not there any cast iron?"The Cui Gan blesses to continue to ask a way.
"Report back a great commander soldier, the cast iron can also acquire thick benefit, we are originally lucks to contain cast iron, but at Da Luo Si Cheng hear that Tang Jun and time He opens hostilities, we cast iron at Da Luo the Si city sold and changed salt and sugar, now we not dare to sell cast iron to return to He, we also not know that the general had already forbidden company to make, Da Luo Si's tax officer didn't say."
The Cui Gan blesses points to nod, if they are from the ground leaf come should know to forbid company to make, from the Da Luo Si city to really probably didn't know, answer still made him satisfied on the whole, however these businessmen come to get the positive that time waits and connects a few blizzard, troops supplies replenishment difficulty, salt, sugar and tea-leaf exactly their troops need of thing, his facial expression became to mollify 1:00 and said with smile:"Return to He to go a temple have already been burned by me, the furriery in the city has already moved our army camp as well, you need not go east again, are unmanned areas to all of several eastern long distances, trade with our Tang Jun!I can't maltreat you."
The businessmen to hoped one eye, Su especially businessman immediately Gong body way:"We would like to!"
The Cui Gan blesses a cachinnation way:"Good!Return to army camp with us, I will hot water and tent to invite you."
The businessmen urge camel and follow behind Tang Jun toward the army camp but go.
Military advance, the food for powders all flowed out to come up, the help unloaded goods, the goods indeed as expected are all best salt, sugar and tea-leaf, all is to pack with the calico sack, outside bind hay, several big boxes to ten people filled up silverware, Tang Jun doesn't need silverware, but moves into salt, sugar and tea-leaf a tent, again someone get them to choose furriery, a few army supplies officers start stocktaking goods, and the businessmen haggle.
Businessman's expecting Luo then is got into a big debt, the Cui Gan blesses and asks him words and expects Luo to follow soldier to walk into a big debt, his mood is jittery, he listens to the patrol brigade is saying recently how many months take place of matter, it is a cold blooded Kuai son to then know this Cui Gan to bless hand, circle 2,000 herding people in the insides of square are almost spared no one by him, if talk not speculation, he meeting Rao lead he?
Being steaming hot in big debt is in the center a heap of brazier, the iron shelf of brazier is roasting a whole sheep, fat joss-stick four overflow, the meat joss-stick comes into nostrils, two close soldiers just and busily roast sheep, a time with beautiful facial appearance He young girl carries a gold system wine pot and filled with Ma Nai Jiu the silver bowl on the table.
"Please sit down!"
The Cui Gan blesses once the hand put, please expect Luo to sit down, say with smile:"I am having lunch, use 1:00 together!"
The close soldier mows next the leg roasting good sheep put the plate in front of him in, and put some salt in the small dish, the returning to He young girl then also poured wine for him and expected Luo to connect voice Xie Dao:"Thank general!"
The Cui Gan blesses tiny tiny on smiling, he cuts to pieces mutton with the sharp penknife and used a knife and fork a cake of roast flow oil mutton, dipped a point sauce and salt, put in to chew, simultaneously ask a way:"Your Chinese language says very goodly, where learned?"
Expecting the Luo is a devout Islamite, don't dare to drink, ate to order mutton and respectully answered a way:"I went to Luo sun with the father at the age of 20, foolish over there three years."
"Three years?Three years can learn an one mouthful fluently Chinese language?"The Cui Gan blesses to have a little not to believe that the ground looking at him.
The close soldier has already given Ba Luo Huan hot tea, the in the mind that expects Luo some strain, carry the hand Zhan Zhan dither of tea bowl, he drinks one mouthful tea, equanimity for a while mood way:"I am with talent to language, not only Chinese language, Turkic language and Arabian language I will say."
"BE?Can not tell your pouring is an individual just!"
The Cui Gan blesses to roar with laughter and frighten Ba Luo more strain, he fears this Cui general fascination first, and then leave he is in the soldier and bless to just freely ask to the language in the Cui Gan so much, he seeks to expect Luo, the idea isn't here.
The Cui Gan blesses to ponder to then ask a way for a while:"My seeking you comes to is to want to ask the circumstance in the river, the situation in the river now how?"
The heart that expects Luo strain finally relaxed, his wry smile was one- track:"How to say?See from the surface, situation in river is quiet, can back, the crisis in the river is already a like rising winds and surging clouds."
The Cui Gan blesses one Zheng, slowly lets go of the mutton in the hand and cross-examined a way:"Saying is a little bit more concrete, what crisis?Arrive what extent?"
"Crisis main 2 kindses, a kind of antinomy that is an of state-to-state, is particularly Kang country and stone country and battle out Su the person predominate power especially, already to white-knuckle extent, another antinomy that is a Yao follower of a religion and Islamite is also pretty much sharp, formerly and greatly eat and ruin Yao and teaches temples, build an Islam mosque, Tang Jun supports Yao and teaches now, the Yao follower of a religions then request to destroy a mosque and rebuild Yao and teaches temples, but the Islamite don't promise again, the conflict happens to two parties follower of a religions continuously, last September at Anne country cloth admire pull and break out a large-scale bloodshed conflict, both parties killed more than 200 persons."
The Cui Gan blesses eyebrows wrinkly become one regiment, these matter he always has never once listenned to, he asks a way again:"What about that Tang's soldier?What attitude is Tang Jun ?"
Expected Luo to sigh a tone way:"The key is Tang Jun to have no fair handle an antinomy, Tang Jun side with stone country, side with the Yao teach and on the contrary make the antinomy arouse to turn more, cloth admire pull have been already appeared'kick out tang dynasty, kill Li Qing An'of slogan, the Li non- general the tube is persistently pre-eminent to crack down on, lose public support!"
The Cui Gan blessed not to feel sink into to contemplate in, he of so ask this matter, is that he has already had heart to act for the Li non- dollar gift in the river.
The Cui Gan blesses although is Tang Jun's great commander, but his versed in literary and military arts, even hope earnestly the military administration mastermind who can become governing one square, in those early years he ever active volunteer to army could stay in the river to stay to guard, Li Qing An finally choose the Li non- dollar gift, though Li Qing An puts him to the Mo northern to deal with He once, also be regarded as heavy use, the Cui Gan blesses always deeply concerned at heart to the matter of those early years, he thinks the Li non- dollar gift that kind of boorish how can manage good river in, deal with the He once pours is can, and oneself only just can should to the situation of numerous and complicated complications in the good river, only the Li non- dollar the confident that the gift is Li Qing An just, the Cui Gan blesses to not too approve person's way of thinking of using of Li Qing An on this, the crisis in river is four Fus now, the feeling let the Cui Gan bless to cannot help but livinging in the heart one silk gloat over the disaster of others, his heart in also more anxious, how make Li Qing An know his/her own will?
The Cui Gan blesses to contemplate language not, expect Luo to see in the eye, if he has Wu, then and gingerly sounds out a way:"Does that general think how to solve the crisis in the river?"
The Cui Gan blesses to wake up with a start from contemplate and then puts a hand way:"I just literally ask and thanked you and traded completion, you then can leave army camp, don't went to to the east again and knew?"
"The mean person is understand, can't go to the east again."
Expected Luo to go one gift, then started to take leave, the bargain out of the big debt had been already ended, the businessmen drink hot tea, just in busily tie~upping furriery book to finally tie, moving camel, expect the attendant of Luo to see the host come out from the debt, then before running up way:"Host, we all put away, when can leave?"
"Put away, immediately walk!"
The businessmen put away thing and left army camp, they didn't dare again to the east, then turn around to go west, always leave army camp several inside, Ba Luo this just grew ground to loosen tone,beats by dre studio hd, now that can not pass from the Kingsoft, that they can walk Anne's west get into river west, again go up north to reside to postpone sea from Zhang Yi, whence return to He tooth debt.
Expected Luo to involuntarily touch touch sew in the thing in the skin Ao underwear pocket, thing still just, that is the big food pull out Si admire in hair write to the personally letter of He khan once.
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