
Beats by Dr Dre Pro sn't all so easy!T

Chapter 365 true absolute being?
Spread intentionally at the observant and conscientious person under, the Ji vast sky greatly makes Mo Ni to teach, and the Mo Ni teach bright saint mountain to destroy of news, again the beginning spreads to open in the world each corner.
Momentary, world each big religious sect each big household be all finding out the affair that takes place in Western Regions, some religious sect households of those Western Regions, make use of various paths more, use various means to find out the affair that the occurrence teaches bright saint mountain in the Mo Ni.
Meanwhile, there is also a news quickly spreading to open, is a Mo Ni to teach a relationship with of the sun star area demon evil hole in the mainland.
Mo Ni's teaching is an evil hole branch and have already gone and lived with the news of evil hole in the demon mainland at present, similar quickly get about private's boundary in the sky of the whole five lines of mainlandses, under the observant and conscientious person's dissemination, as long as being to have a sky, private exists of place, have the news of this aspect be shown unintentionally.
Many people all said to imitate to teach to betray five lines of mainlands to a demon mainland, said that five lines of mainlands has dynasty on the first will become a demon mainland so of the sweat dead answer and cover with of evil strange walk sideways.
Private in the sky who says five lines of mainlands, the meeting is enslaved by the superior of demon mainland, say that five lines of mainlands in future will definitely become a ground of death that is evil strange to walk sideways.
There are some newses, even come from the sun.Moon on, the person of mainland who even still is different from comes to confirm this news.
Private in the sky of originally a lot of five lines of mainlands all feels that this news is just intentionally aiming at of some who have ulterior motives, gradually, along with some come from for a sky, the news of outside shows unintentionally and all starts starting to doubt about in much public that the Mo Ni is taught.
The Ji vast sky teaches to greatly open rule against killing in the Mo Ni and take the Holy Mother You the orchid is not after spreading the news that the bright saint mountain ruin, the world everyone's sky a to private looks on coldly and feels that this is an examination Mo Ni to teach whether good opportunity to have connection with demon mainland.The north is pretty.Medium soil.The Yi of the south.Some superiors of East China Sea silently send a person to arrive at Western Regions and want to ask about this aspect.
Local sky of private's religious sect in Western Regions, discover the Mo Ni after teaching suffer this important stroke starts re- examining the real strenght that the Ao Luo's absolute being teaches, originally had been finding out believing in of some religious sectses lord that the Mo Ni teaches an order, the clan of big household long, a with tour by imagination an endless star area for, temporarily no longer teach contact with Mo Ni, disappear the Mo Ni teaches of anyone.
Teach the atmosphere the parlance that is bright to fasten and darkly fasten two influences concerning the Mo Ni, also gradually the dissemination open in the civilian common people of Western Regions, these newses emphasize to speak darkly on fastenning in some immoral conducts of Western Regions, indicate the king of blackness with five evil how greatly open rule against killing in Western Regions, how deal with another sky of private's religious sect.How to choose a lately a-term saint female.
The civilian common people of Western Regions, have some people really saw in the bright saint top of hill the Mo Ni teach dark a fasten of superior, after being this news to spread, ever in the bright saint top of hill experienced those darkly on fastenning the superior's civilian common people, secretly believed an outside of hearsay.These people tell their he or shes again other people to are in the detection of bright saint top of hill.
Very soon, the concerning Mo Ni teaches dark a fasten of affair, the common people in Western Regions silently spread ……
When these civilian common people hear that the Mo Ni teaches and foreign country again the evil person is on good terms behind, all say tumbling down of bright saint mountain, is the exasperation of thou absolute being in Western Regions, say to is the ancient absolute being in Western Regions to see out the improbity that the Mo Ni teaches, just get mad to ruin bright saint mountain.
Meanwhile, some Nis that originally belong to Mo teaches of follower of a religion, start oneself making public his/her own criminal acts in Western Regions, won the follower of a religions of ordering about the soul skill, from the bright saint mountain after coming out, speak the whole scandals that these people teach to do in the Mo Ni to the person everywhere.
Is almost a night time, the Mo Ni is taught the position in the common people heart of Western Regions then suffers a disastrous decline, the private religious sect household in sky of those Western Regions, set aside in succession and the Mo Ni teach of relation, the superior takes closing the border as from.The bearer that don't teach with Mo Ni meets.
A heavy boxing, the shot beats the body that teaches in the Mo Ni up.Start to be tottering the big religious sect that stands erect for thousand years.
However, come to see currently, haven't appeared to dare to fall the well bottom stone.
The Holy Mother You orchid the person teach in the Mo Ni, the private religious sect in the sky and strong of Western Regions, all don't dare to act rashly, even if is some viewpoints in heart, also all can die to conceal.
The Holy Mother You orchid is the strongest of Western Regions, these in the last years, have already stood up in Western Regions absolute dignity, want ~only she still just, dare to make a mess of for no one.
The Mo Ni teaches the everyone's superior who will circulate in Western Regions.Start calling, the Holy Mother You orchid definitely means the whole everythings, is all bad language vilification that the Ao Luo's absolute being teaches, and the dictum wants to in the short term teach the Ao Luo's absolute being to ruin to go and offends to break those infliction to teach the rumor on the body in the Mo Ni.
The Ao Luo's absolute being teaches one beginning how to call a superior.Come together the total sanctuary that teaches in the Ao Luo's absolute being, did to want to teach with Mo Ni definitely of one dead war power.
Momentary, two greatly the strongest religious sects in Western Regions of to hold.Became world the person pays attention to of topic, but some people in Western Regions, then plant all soldier, the many privates religious sect households all no longer start a disorderly activity.Fear a meeting be taught by the Mo Ni to teach for Ao Luo's absolute being to make.All be silently waiting for-
Wait for the decisive battle of two greatest religious sects.
Western Regions, a sanctuary of Wei E on, three huge dogs hide in the sanctuary top, improbity of the eyes go around and inspect everywhere.
Three dog evil body up, demon Kui the full face is cold, coldly looking at that bright saint mountain that becomes ruins.Worry purple Ling droop wear head, with concentration to the ambition ground fix a nail, an appearance of absence of mind.
"The elder brother saw so for a long time, do you exactly have decision?"Led in a short while, worry the purple Ling is a bit impatient, the title looking at demon Kui way:"If the You orchid is true of have contact with the evil hole of the sun star area, that You orchid and Mo Ni teach the enemy who will return to matter the whole five lines of mainlandses, if we continue to cooperate with You orchid, we will also become world the person's enemy.We pretty the some religious sects and household of country, perhaps can't support us, either later of activity, do we still want to cooperate with You orchid?"
Demon Kui Pie worry the purple Ling is one eye, way:"And the cooperation of You orchid, this is the stratagem that the previous father settles down, father of so will choose a You orchid, is because the father feels that the You orchid is just a women.Can not become important event.The father believes that the You orchid is even if a soil in the garrison.Sooner or later will also drive we pretty country to sweep floor to go out, later world, be still we pretty country of."
"You orchid is be not cooperate with evil hole, no one knows, I feel the means that this just aim at the valley of Xuan Yuan to deal with a You orchid.
As long as the You orchid teaches the Ao Luo's absolute being to ruin to go, Ji vast sky the shot kill, this rumor can not prop up much for a long time, after all, the demon mainland leaves us really too far, have no how much person truely believe that the demon mainland can influence us five lines of mainlands."
"We need You orchid to control Western Regions.Need Western Regions to deal with martial country in a sky!The military force of martial country in the sky, is medium soil Three Kingdoms the strongest!On top of that, martial country in the sky wants Cao Xuan strange, there is also beard Hao this kind of nine temple private in the sky, we need the strength of You orchid!"
"But, but the You orchid has already canned not even be sure of one's own safety now.Protect to forbid Mo Ni to teach to collapse to break up for the meeting soil, present Mo Ni's teaching has already lost a popular support.A lot of persons who originally support Mo Ni's teaching, all start to be active and the Mo Ni taught to make a clear distinction boundary.
In this time, we cooperate with her, simply not wise!"Worry purple Ling way.
"BE exactly as it does, we just need to help a You orchid!Otherwise, the strength of that Ji vast sky and the valley of Xuan Yuan, isn't no one can inhibit any further?"The demon Kui deeply looking at worry purple Ling and suddenly knits the brows to pour:"Are you to know Ji vast sky that boy?As I am discovering that you see him the emotion has a little not right."
The demon Kui after all has nine of fixing of territory for.The idea is carefully airtight, he realized 1:00 what.
"That was already the affair in past."Worry the purple Ling is silent a short while just way.
Ordered to nod, demon Kui way:"I hope that you understand 1:00, -you are pretty the people, while the Ji vast sky then wins aborigines!Still have, that Ji vast sky and I am pretty stateowned great enmity, killed my clan's many superiors, our fixing Luo's clan absolutely could not allow this guy natural and unrestrained live in in this world!"
The worry purple Ling lowers the head, for a long time and for a long time, just bitter and astringent way:"I am understand."……
The Ao Luo's absolute being teaches, total sanctuary.
The Ao Luo's absolute being teaches of follower of a religion, never such as now general excitement lead!
When the Mo Ni teaches of the bright saint mountain be destroyed of news, ship get here behind, the Ao Luo's absolute being teaches of in the beginning the follower of a religion was an all don't believe, knew depend on thou beautiful returned, drew a voice to draw a color of after the ground affair that would take place in the Mo Ni to teach says 1 time in detail, the Ao Luo's absolute being taught of the talented person truely believes this news.
The biggest religious sect that stands erect Western Regions for 1,100 years, always the dead dead inhibits their Mo Nis to teach, the saint mountain is destroyed, half of superiors die at bright saint mountain in.
Such news, how could don't make there is the guy in raptures to hate in these hearts?
Momentary, the whole Ao Luo's absolute being teaches of total sanctuary, all start spreading huge war whoop, these people Be in mind to truely take Ji vast sky as omnipotent true absolute being to treat,Beats by Dr Dre Pro, say that the Ji vast sky is the incarnation that the absolute being teaches true absolute being, lead they re- develop the absolute being teaches of brilliancy.
The Ji vast sky teaches in the Ao Luo's absolute being of position, suddenly firm of such as steel copper the wall is general, anyone as long as dare to say a Ji vast sky of be not, will recruit to collectively casting off of everyone right away.
Unconscious, teach in the Ao Luo's absolute being in, he already the loyal minister is numerous, the many people all treat him as the absolute being teaches of the only hope, even some people believe to just get into nine of territory of he, canning win Western Regions Gao Gao already the Holy Mother You in last hundreds of years orchid.
Therefore, when Ji vast sky with depend on thou beautiful from outside return to the Ao Luo's absolute being to teach behind, he welcomed the ovation of hard imagination, these follower of a religion a Kou do obeisance where and directly halloo "true absolute being"!
The Ao Luo's absolute being teaches total sanctuary under of underground palace in.
The Ji vast sky crosses legs to sit where and silently looking at that Quan song body, whole body blood light the dollar of the Yi Yi Yuan Pteranodon, since the bright saint mountain taught by Mo Ni came back, dollar Yuan Pteranodon always the guts inside the body constantly soar.
In the strength in its body gradually strong of time, the dollar Yuan Pteranodon also starts more and more irascible uneasy.
The Ji vast sky doesn't dare to relax, he understands this because the dollar Yuan Pteranodon has already started digesting a blood emperor of huge Jing blood strength.
Is previous on the third, the soul of blood emperor truely at the dollar Yuan Pteranodon is inside the body drive he to after demolishing, the blood of blood emperor starts integrating into the blood of a dollar Yuan Pteranodon.
Blood emperor is nine temple private in the sky, body in have huge farm land vitality, the strength in the blood is then stronger!
The secret of blood pond is the blood in the body in, in the Ji vast sky intentionally Be under, the blood strength of the blood emperor can be kept down and have no how much lapse ground drive dollar Yuan Pteranodon to swallow.
But the strength in the blood of the blood emperor is really too strong some, even if is the fierce monster of a dollar Yuan Pteranodon this kind of ancient, want to digest isn't all so easy!
Therefore, in this process, will be anti- to bite for the sake of prevent°froming the blood of blood emperor, the Ji vast sky has to be always steady to live the soul of blood emperor and make that blood law-abiding.
Dollar Yuan Pteranodon recently always a little ground absorb a blood emperor blood in contain of strength, however, the blood emperor is in a period of time inside, the soul gradually adapted to order about a soul skill, also understood own situation and started resisting.
Is helpless under, Ji vast sky finally pain bottom cutthroat, give° the soul of blood emperor to thoroughly bomb to kill, give° the strength of the blood emperor blood 1 time to release, no longer a little makes a dollar Yuan Pteranodon absorb.
This strength, the dollar Yuan Pteranodon absorbs very difficult, whether want to face that blood of anti- bite.
Lost the blood of blood emperor soul, seemed to be still to have life, every moment prepare to gobble up the other people's blood, the blood emperor stayed in the idea in the blood to read, there is still in this time function.
The Ji vast sky wants a help dollar the Yuan Pteranodon read that idea in the blood to thoroughly put on to go, but have worry so will get a blood of the strength greatly give discount, cautiously after deliberating, just decide to see the reaction of a dollar Yuan Pteranodon to begin.Once the dollar Yuan Pteranodon displays to accept to can not stand of shape, right away help dollar Yuan Pteranodon that blood in come from the idea of blood emperor and read to thoroughly put on.
Words like this, although dollar Yuan Pteranodon can not blood emperor blood in of strength to all get, can ast least promise that it can't suffer from injury.
So, the Ji vast sky is in the underground power supply teach in this Ao Luo's absolute being, concentrate on ground the strength that looking at a dollar Yuan Pteranodon to absorb a blood emperor blood, don't relax at all.
Is three already pass by, can dollar Yuan Pteranodon but more and more irascible uneasy, however, its life appearance again have no what big of variety, Be just life inside more and more strong just.
The Ji vast sky didn't act rashly and continued to secretly observe this Yuan Pteranodon, heart way:Want ~only the life appearance of dollar Yuan Pteranodon one occurrence variety, as long as his life appearance in have the breathing of blood emperor, make moves right away, put on for all of a years in that blood emperor blood.
Time in a hurry, and then led 3.
Dollar the Yuan Pteranodon is more and more irascible, the life inside is also more and more strong, the scales and shell on the body starts becoming such as knife general sharp-edged, it is that skeleton in the huge meat wing, become flickering to become bright, the eyes became the color that the blood sprinkles Li and looked more bloodthirsty ……
At the same time, the Yuan Pteranodon fiery temper in sky's outward appearance has already gradually started taking place variety, but this time, the Ji vast sky feels to get, the blood of that Yuan Pteranodon blood emperor in the body, have already disappeared gradually.
Led for seven days again.
Yuan Pteranodon in the sky all over and unexpectedly appeared a blood cocoon, this kind of learns a cocoon is more similar than a blood emperor to display out of the secret of a certain blood pond, blood cocoon Yuan Pteranodon whole body in sky all give bind, made for a sky, the Yuan Pteranodon imitated a Buddha to become a chrysalis of silkworm that wants to be born.
And, its life appearance unexpectedly also started taking place to change ……
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