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Change quickly ,jumping flames, into a blazing fireball .relationresultJustin these energy particles also just can be light regiment when, Zhou Ziwei also can use the soul force against which contains hot temperature ,www.monsters-ol.com,but now completed energy essence change after the heat is no longer the soul force can be obstructed the meal time Zhou Ziwei also feel body skin like being roasted in general .
relationresultGive me ,which Zhou Ziwei dare to keep these blast drying fireballs in their own side ,once found these energy forms the fireball ,unable to hold oneself back immediately with soul force pulling the hundreds of fireball flying out towards the distant .
relationresultOf course,not easy to condense a week who lived so many fireballs ,nature also does not waste the energy ,then passed to fly on him weeks that nearly 100 black mulberry sorcerer ,each a fireball is aligned with a wizard body to hit .
And because he at that minute the rally fireballs and BIU mulberry wizard quantity slightly more out some so there are so few unlucky guy got extra care more sharing of so one or two fireball .
Especially the leader of the self-styled Moge Hale guy ,he flew to the fireball is fully reached five !relationresultYounot to play with brother heart ?Have a look brother which does not kill you !relationresultAndwhen Zhou Ziwei finally got around cemented fireball all released at the same time ,the thousands of clips of blazing arrow was shot on Zhou Ziwei body, seeing will touch the skin of the week who lived .
relationresultZhou Ziwei isthe one on the so-called fire special production suits ,eventually failed to withstand the test of tens of thousands of degrees , call ,a burning up ,Zhou Ziwei will be completely turned into a fire .
relationresultDamn,that white how to really does not come out !I on your uncle !relationresultZhou Ziweiwas one cannot help to shout abuse ,but the burning temperature has already smoked roast his throat was dry ,but not even a word does not spit out .
relationresultJust when Zhou Ziwei thinksshe this time if it is really going to meat ,are not guaranteed ,leaving only the soul which have a look to find a handsome body reincarnation ,but suddenly felt a as the essence of general white light suddenly from his body up and down every cell separation out a complete cluster together ,with a churning emission in vitro ,the thousands of branches of the flaming arrows all over the .
.. ... , relationresultZi thousands of stars of the flaming arrows into the piece as essence generally dazzling white light of Feng, like snow Hu ā into apan ,like melting in the twinkling of an eye ,clean ,leaving no trace .
relationresultAt the same timeit just from Zhou Ziwei weeks ejection fly out of hundreds of fireball as directly through dozens of meters of space in general ,direct hit in the hundreds of black mulberry wizards who .
relationresultFireball in thesoul force wrapped under the speed like the those Wusang country wizards even never have enough time to have any reaction was that sticky ball hit in the body .
relationresultAllpeople have one screamed, threw his organs during hard beating a regiment or a number of regiments fireball but just at that moment, Zhou Ziwei suddenly will be that wrapped in fireball outside soul force to receive withdrawn ,so the dark night sky is suddenly burst from hundreds of glaring smoke Hu .
.. ... , relationresult more than 100 fireball exploding ,the momentum together not so a missile explosion caused by the momentum .relationresultPity thenearly 100 black mulberry wizards even nobody could emitted a shriek, will instantly be smashed to pieces ,to a void .
relationresultOnly alost soul is in the air on wander endlessly ... ... , relationresultThe dazzlinglight put namely close ,followed by a rapid convergence in the body ,in the .While Zhou Ziwei side has become miserable .
His original clothes at this time from the inside to the outside has been turned into fly ash ,the whole people red fruit exposed in the air ,and his flesh was also high temperature baking chi to lose one ,as if by frame on the fire roasted half roasted lamb like, who often send out a fitful mask nose Jiaochou taste to .
relationresultFortunatelyhe was found around the temperature too horrible time to step decisive to hand the aircraft ,and on some of the more important things are thrown out ,and as the soul force pulling far fall beneath the sky ,it did not get too big spread to .
relationresultOtherwise,with just him the fatal temperature ,beats by dre cheap,even in the safe hidden trouble of aircraft had to bang up ,while still in his body that Kun pet ,now they are also being roasted !relationresultwei .
.. ... Are you okay ? After the explosion ,the shaking heaven and earth ,around the world soon regained the boundless darkness ,whom Zhou Ziwei sent to the sky Wang Xuewei and Chu Qiutang just but was scared then set to see below no news ,immediately shouted up .
Although they all know since when they can stay in the air without falling down ,it shows that Zhou Ziwei should talk about is not dead .But is the so-called concerned about the chaos after all what had been blast momentum was too terrible ,this time if they can keep calm .
it is too cold !relationresultYes,I am. Ahem ... ,cheap beats by dre... I have nothing, who lived for a long time ,weeks back ,again with the soul will force the throat moist moment that could barely speak .
Then he thought will still hanging in the air of the tornado with wrapped in two daughter pulled down .relationresultSubsequentlythe large tornado suddenly start to ,once again into a cyclone ,the three people prop up .
Zhou Ziwei had just left with satire below liquid soul force pulling the aircraft ,still have him at some things were back into the cyclone .At this point Zhou Ziwei can into the nervous line in liquid soul force close to the back, or if we have been using liquid soul force maintains the nerve cords running ,he is afraid of is life of the painful past .
relationresultNow heis being thrown into the pan fried half an hour of human burn more serious ,upper and lower body flesh was almost no one inch is intact .This was for an ordinary guy will definitely painful past several times ,and even burn inside ,directly killed are not possible .

