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Lead he arrive at Zhang Yu's troops for just five months, none of navy's government troopses in most of towns know his name.
What Liu Ding puzzled says:"Qin Wan Chao's fighting skill is thus high strong, how has Zhang Yu never weighed to use him?On the contrary beat into a dead prison?"
The Cui ties up to helplessly say:"He ……sexually harassed Zhang Yu's daughter."Liu Ding startledly looking at him.
The Cui ties up to bitter and astringently shake:"He fancied Zhang Yu's daughter, the result is on impulse under ……"
Originally, Qin Wan Chao goes and lives with Zhang Yu's troops and soon once depended on the person's fighting skill skill to press group of heroes and became the dazzling star of navy inner part in the town and naturally knew Zhang Yu's baby, daughter, Zhang Xing Cai, , on that day, all of 2 people are the ages of onset of puberties, unavoidably the being stained with of honey arrives together, some affairs naturally took place.The person who knows inside story is in fact very understand, Qin Wan Chao and Zhang Xing Cai is mutually two feeling Yue, have no not satisfactory, is a family status idea of Yu but more heavy, just after wanting to want Qin Wan Chao to set up an achievement to establish a career, so as to above boardly marry a girl own daughter.
But a certain evening, Zhang Yu is suddenly told by the madam.Zhang Xing Cai has already silently stolen a food to forbid a fruit with Qin Wan Chao, also Be getting more pregnant.Zhang Yu is immediately great anger, immediately call Qin Wan Chao, beat on the spot, then closed him to dead a prison inside.Certainly, also not is say that Zhang Yu completely doesn't like Qin Wan Chao.Otherwise early will elsewhere die or impose other penalties.In fact, although Qin Wan Chao is closed dying in the prison, but lifeless and dangerous, Zhang Xing Cai occasionally returns to be connived by the father to see him.
Original Zhang Yu's meaning is Qin Wan Chao's he or she's darling to admit mistake, give him one to come off stage a rank good.After all daughter ground the belly is all big, can not cover up in the past, this Qin ten thousand super is also a rare genius youth, can not say is really humiliated own daughter.Just Qin Wan exceeds in young.The one that didn't realize Zhang Yu also thinks that Zhang Yu really needed to kill himself/herself with patience, the spirit Du Du ground thought to be slanting.He is also the temper of a Jin, hence resist with Zhang Yu.Zhang Yu after all stabs a history, his admitting mistake is impossible, hence Qin Wan Chao has been being closed in the dungeon, even Liu Ding and D from solid went into city, Zhang Yu had never let out as well he.
Liu Ding gets into state often on that day, D from actually caught Zhang Yu's family, henceforth often state city one disorder.Qin Wan Chao is in the jail also felling not to, hence think way from die prison to come out.It is untidy at that time.The prison guard early doesn't know to go to, natural no one comes to take care of him.Qin Wan outruns to come later of the first reaction, nature is seek Zhang Xing Cai.Discover that the lover has already poured as a result at in the pool of blood, this young young man immediately feels that the sky falls down, the in the moment a burst of sky of Xuan ground turns, faint over there on the spot.After waking up, know to is what D from actually kill oneself's lover, follow and then madly chase murderer D from solid, had been catching up with city in Suzhou bottom.
What Liu Ding soliloquized says:"This boy.Small age, unexpectatively unexpectedly like this sad affair."
Want to say what, seeing of sudden subconscious nearby Wang Yan Zhang, the look in the eyes feels very peculiar.
Wang Yan Zhang immediately the facial expression is tiny and red, inwardly angry, will I do the matter of such animals?Immediately a think to be again not to, other people that is mutually two feeling Yue, of no consequence animals, Liu Ding's look in the eyes also not is meaning like this.He suddenly thought of.Oneself promises Liu Ding's three affairs.Behind 2 are to get married to living son, does this still have no clues!The matrimony livings son be not don't think.But don't meet a suitable person, his Wang Yan Zhang absolutely couldn't compromise.
End have nothing at all of Liu Ding says soon taking back vision, re- observing the battlefield of front.Navy's number in the town that Zhang Yu leads is strongly too little, gradually isn't real strenght D is from the solid opponent.Though have Qin Wan Chao of brave blunt kill, serious interference the D is from the combat of solid troops, but, this bad situation on the amount, be not easily can make up to come over of, like this keep on beating, perhaps till afternoon, Zhang Yu is about to withdraw to fight on his/her own initiative by himself/herself.
Suddenly, the irritating to the ear voice Jing rings out and in a twinkling clenches all ears of mighty and valiant soldiers.
The patrol captain Di fire the Yang seem to fly the ground kill and loudly call a way in Liu Ding's front:"Adult, money leads of the righteousness won a soldier to kill!"
Liu Ding Wei tiny one Zheng,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift Free shipping day green Monday, immediately the town quiets down.
Money comes very quickly.
On the time in this important juncture arrive, really is to know to seize the opportunity too much, no wonder that he can become Dong Chang troops first will.
He decides on the spot and quickly issues order:"Orderany Li Tian to soar, Yang Bi Lin retreat 30 insides, right on the spot array, prepare to resist enemy, I break behind in person!Sending another person notifies that the Cui ties up and immediately withdraws!"
Immediately issue on order to go to the fox wing.
A short moment after, Li Tian withdraws after soaring with Yang Bi Lin lead a soldier quickly.
Is almost same times, or so two sideses from Liu Ding, all flowed out now a great deal of righteousness to win soldier troops.Appears from the left side of, is an east Anne all 4,000 people whom the Du Ling lead;The right-hand side in front appears of, is Zhejiang all Ruan lacing territory 3,000 people;Bearing to the right to appear ground most is a Jing the rivers will become and lead of 3,000 people;Just central emergence ground, then oneself money leads in person of 10,000 people.Righteousness' winning all of the military officer soldier's the great majority is black helmets, are all black,http://www.headphonest.com, suddenly appear together with the flags, like closely of phantom.
Du Ling's waiting all of 3 people is the under charges of money and follow behind battle money over a long period of time, there is abundant combat experience.Particularly is an east Anne all Du Ling, have the breeze of great commander, usually take charge as chief,monster beats by dre christmas gift discount online, money goes on an expedition in person each time, all of Du lings are forwards.He inserts of the position is at the right moment Zhang Yu's troops left wing.Be placed in to fight medium Zhang Yu's troops, where thought of that righteousness' winning a soldier would kill so quickly, many people were all foolish to live.Connect consciousness for escaping don't think of.
Liu Ding realizes right away it's far from good.
Zhang Yu isn't his troops, and then is placed in extreme exasperation in, affirmation can't withdraw.
If he doesn't withdraw, by all means wills sink into righteousness to win soldier ground several depths besieged.
Sink into righteousness to win soldier several depths besieged, affirmation is a dead end.
However, what way he has to make Zhang Yu issue order to withdraw?
Indeed as expected.Righteousness after winning a soldier to arrive battlefield, the Du Ling rate soldier inserted from the left side and soon tore to pieces Zhang Yu's troops to open.See, righteousness' winning combat experience of soldier is also very abundant, don't be eager to exterminating Zhang Yu, but orderly add to partition to surround.And D from actually fought greater half for sky of Zhang Yu, lack the ability to do, can not impede righteousness to win a soldier ground activity at all.Once the righteousness wins soldier completion to surround, Zhang Yu puts wings difficult escape.
Is positive such as Liu Ding anticipate of so.Zhang Yu's dying isn't willing to retreat and also loudly threaten and concentrate troops and win righteousness soldier to also exterminate.Liu Ding's eyebrows tightly locks.But also helpless.Money is hasing already since then had, the troops attains 20,000 and others.The main force of mighty and valiant soldier only has more than 3,000 persons, the not in power outside and basically isn't the opponent that tens of thousands righteousnesses win a soldier, only now it account, only temporarily behind withdraw, avoid to let sharp point.However, Zhang Yu refuses to withdraw and means that the mighty and valiant soldier has to give him up.
Liu Ding resolutely says and connects a voice to press his/her own troops to escape from battlefield.
The Cui ties up to urgently and in a hurry rush through.Deeply sink of say:"Adult, Zhang Yu has already worked well the decision for being certain to die, Be not willing to withdraw!"
Liu Ding closes lightly lips and speaks slowly a way:"Can withdraw with your ability how much be how much."
The Cui tied up to promise to go to.
After, a short moment's Zhang Yu's troops some troopses start withdrawing gradually.
Although they have already killed red eye, but the righteousness win the arrival of soldier and also allow them to realize whole army is routed ground dangerous, if not and quickly escape from battlefield.It Be about to sink into the several depths besieged that the righteousness wins a soldier.Under the arrangement that Cui ties up, most of Zhang Yu's troopses all withdraw after the beginning.However, win a soldier in the righteousness in, still Zhang Yu waits several people at courageously war, the rudely brush aside Cui ties up of suggestion.Their numbers are less and less, surroundings of the righteousness win a soldier but more and more, gradually of overaly all of them.
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